Nacada: Fight against alcohol and drug abuse needs collective action

"While Nacada is the focal point, we can't win this war alone, we need everybody on board."

In Summary
  • Mairori directed his call to the county level where he noted that counties hold a very big mandate in the fight against alcohol and drug abuse.

  • He further called upon security agencies to counter the use of alcohol and drug abuse.
Nacada board chairpersn Stephen Mairori (C) with Nacda stakeholders during the launch of the 202 - 2027 strategic plan in Nairobi on June 19, 2024.
Nacada board chairpersn Stephen Mairori (C) with Nacda stakeholders during the launch of the 202 - 2027 strategic plan in Nairobi on June 19, 2024.
Image: courtesy

The National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (Nacada) has launched the strategic plan for 2023-27.

The plan will form the basis for resource allocations as well as support building a culture to drive the realisation of a nation free from alcohol and drug abuse.

Speaking during the launch Nacada board chairperson Stephen Mairori, said that the fight against alcohol and drug abuse requires collective action from everybody.

"While Nacada is the focal point, we can't win this war alone, we need everybody on board," he said.

Mairori directed his call to the counties where he noted that they hold a very big mandate in the fight against alcohol and drug abuse.

He said that all the funds that used to come into the agency to help in the fight are all directed to the counties.

In the past, liquor licencing fell under Nacada’s jurisdiction; however, these funds are now collected by the county governments to enhance their efforts.

Revenue generated from liquor licences is now channelled towards combating drug and alcohol abuse at the county level.

"I want to request the counties to use that money in the fight against alcohol and drug abuse," he said.

He further cautioned counties against the use of these funds for other purposes.

Mairori called upon all stakeholders, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) and members of the public as a whole to hold  counties accountable for the use of these funds.

"We want the counties to empower the Community-Based Organisations (CBOs)."

"We want the counties to work with all the stakeholders to fight this drug and alcohol abuse menace," he said.

"If we don't cut the supply, we'll keep treating people and yet the supply is high.

"We need to cut the supply so that as we move forward then we treat those people who are affected and will be able to win this war."

Mairori noted that Nacada's major plan in the 2023-27 strategy is to work and deal with the supply of drug and alcohol.

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