Row over ex-AIC evangelist Limo's Sh3bn estate referred to mediation

Move follows an application to the court by a daughter in-law who wants to give dialogue a chance

In Summary
  • The move to refer the case to mediation followed an application to the court by mzee Limo’s daughter in-law Ruth Limo through her lawyer Karen Cheso.
  • She told the court that she wanted to give dialogue a chance in sorting out the succession row over the estate located in Eldoret town.
Ruth Limo who is daughter in-law to the late mzee Edward Limo speaking in Eldoret on June 19th 2024
Ruth Limo who is daughter in-law to the late mzee Edward Limo speaking in Eldoret on June 19th 2024

The succession row over the Sh3 billion estate of former Eldoret AIC church evangelist Edward Limo has been referred to mediation by the High Court.

The move followed an application to the court by Limo’s daughter in-law Ruth Limo, through her lawyer Karen Cheso.

Ruth is the widow to Joseph,  a deceased son of Limo.

She told the court she wanted to give dialogue a chance in sorting out the succession dispute over the estate in Eldoret town.

“My client desires to have the family meet out of court to try to resolve the contentious issues in this dispute and if possible, unlock the succession case,” Cheso said.

Ruth through lawyer Cheso, filed the application before Justice Reuben Nyakundi.

The estate includes 700 acres of prime land within Eldoret town.

Also put up on the land is African Inland Church institutions that include Kao la Amani church and Kao la Amani Bible College.

Limo had donated land to some of the institutions before his death. Other investments on the Limo farm are a private hospital, two high end private learning institutions— Concord Boys' and Concord Girls' High schools.

Limo died on December 13, 2017 leaving the vast estate. He was a prominent and respected clergyman in the region and a close associate of former President Daniel Moi.

Limo founded several institutions in the region including Chebisas High School and is also remembered for hosting girls running away from FGM in Kerio Valley. 

He had 10 children including three boys and seven girls but six  have since died. His family is engaged in a fight over control and sharing of the estate and Justice Nyakundi had a month ago visited the estate and held a meeting with the family at the grave site of Limo as part of the succession case before him.

Yesterday, Ruth, who is a teacher by profession, told the judge that her husband Joseph,  loved family harmony and peace hence her decision to honour his wish by helping to re-unite the family and settle the dispute outside court.

She said the most thorny issue on the estate was on the Concord Boys' School, adding that if it was possible to settle the school issue through dialogue, them it would unlock the whole succession matter.

Ruth said she was also interested in smooth operations of the school so that the more than 400 learners at the institution can go on with their studies without inference caused by the row.

“As a daughter in-law in the Limo family, my interest is to give dialogue a chance,  we will meet as a family so that we try and sort issues out of court. I believe we can succeed but if not, then we will return to court,” Ruth said.

She said Limo was respected in the region and the family should try and honour him by avoiding public quarrels over his estate as it's possible to dialogue and have harmony prevail.

Lawyer Cheso said they would report back to court after the mediation process.

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