Sifuna: We'll deal with ODM MPs who voted for Finance Bill

“These people have been thinking they are very clever.”

In Summary
  • Sifuna added that previous Parliaments had made it impossible for you to recall MPs.
  • “If there is any help you need including showing you where Parliament’s back door is, let us know, we will help you so that you are able to access this characters and tell them that you are their bosses.”
Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna at a past event.
Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna at a past event.
Image: FILE

The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) has vowed to teach to MPs who voted for the Finance Bill, 2024 on Thursday a tough lesson.

Secretary General Edwin Sifuna said ODM is going to demonstrate to the two MPs that they are not “the bosses of the people but people are their bosses.”

Sifuna, who is also the Nairobi senator, noted that a decision by the High Court had made it easier to recall MPs.

“These people have been thinking they are very clever. Every time parties institute legal or disciplinary proceedings, they run to court and obtain court orders,” he said.

Addressing a press conference, Sifuna added that previous Parliaments had made it impossible for you to recall MPs.

“I want to assure you after the vote, we are going to try that new provision of the law on recalling MPs who do not follow what the public is saying, the people who elected them are saying and what their parties are saying,” he stated.

Sifuna said ODM is extremely proud of the young people who took to the streets to protest against how this government has repeatedly treated them over the years.

“We told them, that if you close your ears to the people, they will slap those ears until they open and that is what is happening. We want to encourage young people not to fear, this is your country and I hope this movement does not die,” he added,

He said the Opposition encourages the youth to go on with the protests and even access Parliament.

“If there is any help you need including showing you where Parliament’s back door is, let us know, we will help you so that you are able to access these characters and tell them that you are their bosses,” he stated.

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