IMF: Our main goal is to help Kenya overcome economic challenges

"We are deeply concerned about the tragic events in Kenya in recent days."

In Summary
  • The IMF  Director of Communications Julie Kozack said they are concerned with the turn of events in the country after people lost their lives and others got injured.
  • "We are deeply concerned about the tragic events in Kenya in recent days and saddened by the loss of lives and the many injuries," Kozack said.
President William Ruto has a word with Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on the sidelines of the Italy-Africa Summit in Rome, Monday, January 29, 2024.
President William Ruto has a word with Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on the sidelines of the Italy-Africa Summit in Rome, Monday, January 29, 2024.
Image: PCS

The International Monetary Fund (IMF)has weighed into the mass protests witnessed in Kenya even as it sought to explain its role in Kenya's economic challenges.

The IMF  Director of Communications Julie Kozack said they are concerned with the turn of events in the country after people lost their lives and others got injured.

"We are deeply concerned about the tragic events in Kenya in recent days and saddened by the loss of lives and the many injuries," Kozack said.

"Our thoughts are with all the people affected by the turmoil in the country," the statement added.

Kozack went on to explain the IMF's commitment to helping Kenya saying their role is to get the country out of economic challenges.

"Our main goal in supporting Kenya is to help it overcome the difficult economic challenges it faces and improve its economic prospects and the well-being of its people," Kozack said.

She reaffirmed the IMF's commitment to partnering with Kenya to navigate towards robust, sustainable and inclusive growth.

"We are committed to working together with Kenya to chart a course towards robust, sustainable, and inclusive growth,” she concluded.

The clarification came after concerns from a section of Kenyans who faulted the body for the Finance Bill 2024 which received widespread condemnation.

Many claimed the Bill was influenced by foreign powers contrary to the expectations of locals.

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