MP Sudi suspends activities after his Eldoret club was vandalised, looted

“I have decided to suspend all activities that I had planned until further notice. I am now leaving this to God."

In Summary
  • Some of them were seen making away with liquor worth thousands of shillings.

  • The protesters also destroyed glass walls, windows and doors of the building.

kKapseret MP Oscar Sudi speaking during a fundraiser to aid the completion of the construction of AIC Kipkorgot Church, Kapsoya Ward, Ainakboi Constituency on Sunday, May 27, 2024.
kKapseret MP Oscar Sudi speaking during a fundraiser to aid the completion of the construction of AIC Kipkorgot Church, Kapsoya Ward, Ainakboi Constituency on Sunday, May 27, 2024.

Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi has announced the suspension of all his development activities in response to the violence that broke out in Eldoret affecting public and private properties.

While condemning the vandalism and looting of property in the town, Sudi lamented that this was spearheaded by the locals who he said are among the beneficiaries.

“I am not going to wish anything bad to the perpetrators because this is now a fight against me," he said.

"This thing was planned by people and since they are from here (home), I have decided to suspend all activities that I had planned until further notice,” he said in a short video clip shared on his official social pages.

“I am now leaving this to God,” he added.

According to the lawmaker, he has always believed in helping and supporting the needy in society not destruction.

Timber XO, the multi-million club, owned by the MP in Eldoret town was vandalised and looted by the protesters during the demonstrations.

Some of them were seen making away with liquor worth thousands of shillings.

The protesters also destroyed glass walls, windows and doors of the building.

The county court and enforcement offices in Eldoret were also torched including vehicles.

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