Over Sh21.8 million raised to support those injured during demos

M-Changa Africa with their slogan "Care for the Injured" said thousands turned out to support showing democracy.

In Summary
  • They urged Kenyans to ensure those injured receive medical attention.

  • The current total so far has reached 21,860,047 million surpassing Sh10,000,000 which was their goal.

Young protesters scamper to safety as police spray them with water during the anti-Finance Bill protest in Nairobi CBD on June 20, 2024
Young protesters scamper to safety as police spray them with water during the anti-Finance Bill protest in Nairobi CBD on June 20, 2024
Image: FILE

Supporters have come together to raise funds for those injured during Tuesday's demonstrations against Finance Bill 2024.

M-Changa Africa with their slogan "Care for the Injured" said thousands turned out to support showing democracy.

They urged Kenyans to ensure those injured receive medical attention.

"Thousands turned out in support of democracy--now let's ensure those unjustly injured receive medical attention. Join us to ensure this cause succeeds," M-Changa Africa said.

The current total so far has reached Sh21,860,047 million surpassing Sh10,000,000 which was their goal.

They said that they got public support from businesses, medics, lawyers, and ordinary Kenyans and has been phenomenal.

They said all donations will go to the Defenders Coalition website https://defenderscoalition.org/.

Defenders Coalition will disperse funds directly to hospitals and clinics caring for the injured. 

On the other hand, contribution towards Rex and Evans has so far reached Sh3,024,749surpassing the target goal which was Sh2,000,000.

M-Changa Africa urged people to turn up and support their families

"Rex and Evans supported us with everything they had it's our turn to support their families. Join us to ensure this cause succeeds," it said.

They said the funds would be distributed equally to the families.

M-Changa Africa urged people to join them to ensure the cause succeeds. 

Kenya was on Tuesday engulfed in chaos as police battled protesters in major towns across the country.

Earlier, the Nairobi City County Government said at least 12 people were killed during Tuesday's demonstrations.

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