Why Raila's bid for AUC top job is yet to be submitted - PS Sing'oei

The foreign affairs ministry cited recent chaos it said put the country in a state of confusion.

In Summary
  • The submission of Raila’s credentials to the African Union Secretariat was earlier scheduled for  June 30.
  • Foreign Affairs Principal Secretary Korir Sing'oei on Monday told the Star that Raila's bid is yet to be submitted due to the chaos and confusion that has rampaged the country over the past two weeks.
Azimio leader Raila Odinga speaks during a joint press conference with Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi at the goverments endorsement for Raila's AUC top job on June 5, 2024.
Azimio leader Raila Odinga speaks during a joint press conference with Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi at the goverments endorsement for Raila's AUC top job on June 5, 2024.

Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga's bid for the African Union Commission (AUC) is yet to be submitted ahead of next year's election.

The submission of Raila’s credentials to the African Union Secretariat was earlier scheduled for  June 30.

Foreign Affairs Principal Secretary Korir Sing'oei on Monday told the Star that Raila's bid is yet to be submitted due to the chaos and confusion that has rampaged the country over the past two weeks.

"The country has been in a state of chaos and confusion over the past two weeks following anti-Finance Bill protests and that is why we have not submitted it," he said in a phone interview.

Korir clarified that the deadline for Raila's candidacy submission was not set to be on June 30, but rather that it was the government's wish to submit it on the said date.

"The deadline for submission is the first week of August," he said.

According to the African Union, the deadline for the submission of credentials to the AUC is August 6, 2024.

Korir further stated that the process for Raila's candidacy bid will be submitted before the set deadline and in good time.

The submission of credentials will mark a significant step in the Azimio leader’s push for the top continental job ahead of the February 2025 poll.

Raila has already heightened his diplomacy by meeting diplomats in Nairobi and across the continent to secure their crucial backing.

His application, resume, and other documents will be translated and submitted in the six AU languages for admission before he officially becomes a candidate.

The AUC election rules require that a candidate’s application documents and resume must be translated into French, English, Kiswahili, Arabic, Portuguese and Spanish.

President William Ruto’s government has promised to pull out all the stops to ensure Raila secures the highly coveted seat that would catapult him to the stature of head of state.

Raila’s candidacy has also secured the backing of other African states including Malawi and Zambia, boosting his bid to succeed Moussa Faki at the helm of the AUC.

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