IPOA provides findings into probe of deaths during demos

IPOA said this follows a rigorous monitoring exercise on how the police conducted themselves

In Summary
  • It stated that so far the Authority is investigating 39 deaths, 150 serious injuries and seven abductions across the country.
  • IPOA said it launched investigations into the death of Rex Masai which was allegedly caused by shooting by an officer clad in civilian attire at around 0715hrs on on June 20.
Ipoa chairperson Anne Makori on October 7.
Ipoa chairperson Anne Makori on October 7.
Image: FILE

The Independent Policing Oversight Authority has launched investigations into various incidents that have occurred in parts of the country, during the protests against the Finance Bill, 2024.

IPOA said this follows a rigorous monitoring exercise on how the police conducted themselves while undertaking public order management during the protests.

“Further to our previous statements and our commitment to give periodic updates on the ongoing demonstrations, the Authority takes this opportunity to share the progress made in its monitoring and investigations in line with its mandate,” IPOA said.

It stated that so far the Authority is investigating 39 deaths, 150 serious injuries and seven abductions across the country.

IPOA said it launched investigations into the death of Rex Masai which was allegedly caused by shooting by an officer clad in civilian attire at around 0715hrs on on June 20.

Towards this, IPOA said it has made significant investigative progress.

“Attended the post-mortem and obtained the report on the cause of death, recorded witness statements, visited and documented the crime scene including collection of evidence, concluded the analysis of CCTV and other video footage of the incident, obtained necessary police documents, obtained necessary medical documents, requested for the deployment plans from the Nairobi Police Commander, summoned various police officers to record statements, Submitted Various samples for forensic and ballistics analysis,” IPOA said.

“Pending tasks are awaiting expert reports, and recording more witness accounts.” 

The authority also provided investigation details into the death of Evans Kiratu.

The authority said it launched investigations into the death of  Kiratu on June 21, at the Kenyatta National Hospital which is alleged to have been caused by police action.

Towards this, IPOA said it has made some steps.

"Attended the post-mortem and obtained the report on the cause of death on June 25, visited and documented the crime scene including the collection of necessary forensic evidence, recorded witness statements, contacted the police for necessary documentation, police summons issued for statement recording,” IPOA said in a statement on X.

“Pending tasks include obtaining expert reports, and recording more witness accounts.” 

Further on the shooting in Nairobi CBD at Parliament, IPOA said it has launched investigations into the fatal shooting and serious injury of protestors on June 25, 2024.

The authority said that arising from this, 11 deaths have been confirmed.

IPOA said it has made progress.

“Requests made for relevant police documentation, critical witness accounts recorded, issued summons for police officers, attended post mortem and obtained post-mortem reports," the authority said.

"The reports were for Ibrahim Kamau Wanjiku, Erickson Kyalo, David Chege, Wilson Sitati, Kelvin Odhiambo Maina and Kenneth Njcru Mwangi. Pending tasks include post-mortem for the remaining victims, expert reports, and recording more witness accounts.” 

Following allegations of a shooting incident in Githurai on the night of June  25, IPOA commenced investigations into the circumstances surrounding the death of one Andrew Mwawasi.

The Authority stated that separately, 5-year-old Gianna Merkel Obonyo was discovered with a bullet lodged in his chest and taken to KNH hospital where he has since been treated and discharged.

Towards this, IPOA said it had made some steps.

“Attended the post-mortem for Mwawasi and obtained the report, recorded some witness statements, crime scene visited and documented, requisitioned for police documentation, medical documents for Gianna Merkel Obonyo requested,” IPOA said.

On the shooting of Kennedy Onyango in Kajiado, IPOA said it had initiated Investigations to establish the facts around the fatal shooting.

IPOA attended the post-mortem

The authority added that besides these it is also investigating deaths and serious injuries across the counties where demonstrations occurred and the arbitrary arrests and detaining of persons by police beyond the 24-hour rule contrary to Article 49(1)(1) of COK 2010.

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