TVETs play key role in socio-economic growth, says Malombe

Governor says institutions equip youth with necessary skills to thrive in the ever-evolving job market

In Summary
  • Malombe spoke when he launched the TVET Centenary Torch at Mulango Technical and Vocational College.
  • The Torch was received in Kitui county from Garissa county three days ago and will be handed over to Makueni county.
Kitui Governor Julius Malombe and his deputy Augustine Kanani and other officials during the unveiling of the TVET Centenary Torch at Mulango Technical and Vocational College on Thursday.
LAUNCH Kitui Governor Julius Malombe and his deputy Augustine Kanani and other officials during the unveiling of the TVET Centenary Torch at Mulango Technical and Vocational College on Thursday.

Kitui Governor Julius Malombe on Thursday underscored the pivotal role technical and vocational education plays in the socio-economic development.

He said the TVETs equip the youth with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in the ever-evolving job market, fostering innovation, entrepreneurship and self-reliance.

Malombe spoke when he launched the TVET Centenary Torch at Mulango Technical and Vocational College. The Torch was received in Kitui county from Garissa county three days ago and will be handed over to Makueni county.

“Today, as we launch this torch, we are not only commemorating the rich history of TVET but also igniting a beacon of hope and progress for the future generations,” the governor said.

He said the theme of the event Empowering Youth for Sustainable Development, perfectly resonates with Kitui county's vision and commitment of creating opportunities for young people.

“In Kitui, we recognise the transformative power of education and skills development in addressing the challenges of unemployment and poverty,” the governor said.

He added that his administration had invested heavily in education and TVET sector with intend to unlock the full potential of the youth through robust investment in practical skills and vocational training.

“Together, we can build a future where every individual has the tools they need to thrive and contribute meaningfully to our community's prosperity,” he said.

Kitui Governor Julius Malombe cats the tape to unveil the TVET Centenary Torch at Mulango Technical and Vocational College on Thursday.
ANNIVERSARY Kitui Governor Julius Malombe cats the tape to unveil the TVET Centenary Torch at Mulango Technical and Vocational College on Thursday.

The governor noted that the world is shifting towards technical education with Ministry of Education June statistics indicating that over 11,991 students dropped degree programme in 2023 and chose diplomas in technical institutions.

“This ignites the debate over disconnect between university curricula and job market demands,”  he said.

Malombe said in support of Technical Education and Training, his administration had increased bursary allocation to TVETs trainees from Sh17.3 million in 2022/2023 to Sh25.9 in 2023/2024.

He said not only would his government hire 37 instructors this year to address staff shortage in TVETs, but was also addressing certification of trainees after completion of their training.

“We intent to achieve 100 per cent completion for our youths and that is why we have paid NITA examination fees for our current 1st year trainees,” he said.

He added that Sh16.2 million has been paid by his administration as examination fees for 3,251 trainees due to sit Government Trade Test Examination in December 2024.

Kitui governor Julius Malombe and other official hold the TVET Centenary Torch at Mulango Technical and Vocational College
CELEBRATION Kitui governor Julius Malombe and other official hold the TVET Centenary Torch at Mulango Technical and Vocational College

Malombe said support to TVETs had borne fruits as evidenced by the increasing enrolment, from 2,506 trainees in 2013 to 7,617 trainees in 2024 in Kitui.

“In addition, the number of graduates who have secured gainful employment or started their own enterprises has improved proportionally,” said the governor.

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