Kenyan commander: There is no room for failure in Haiti mission

In an address, it was revealed that the Haitian National Police (PNH) had regained control of the local national hospital.

In Summary
  • The team worked with the Kenyan police who have been deployed there.

  • The hospital is among those strategic places that the Kenyan troops and their partners will guard.

Commander of the Kenyan police to Haiti Godfrey Otunge with other local officers during the press briefing on July 8, 2024 in Haiti
Commander of the Kenyan police to Haiti Godfrey Otunge with other local officers during the press briefing on July 8, 2024 in Haiti

The commander of the Kenyan police to Haiti Godfrey Otunge has said there is no room for failure in their mission in the Caribbean country.

Otunge addressed his first press conference since they landed in Haiti two weeks ago and declared they would succeed in the mission with the support of residents.

The address came as it was revealed after weeks of tension and uncertainty, the Haitian National Police (PNH) had regained control of the local national hospital.

The team worked with the Kenyan police who have been deployed there.

The hospital is among those strategic places that the Kenyan troops and their partners will guard.

PNH announced this Monday, July 8, 2024, at a press briefing that it had regained control of the State University Hospital of Haiti (HUEH).

Officials said the operation marks a major step forward in the fight against the insecurity that has affected the Haitian capital in recent days.

PNH director Normil Rameau confirmed that elite forces carried out an operation to restore order at the hospital, occupied since last month by armed bandits.

The Kenyan team has been conducting joint patrols with local officials in the recent past.

On his side, Otunge, expressed his support and continued cooperation with the Haitian authorities to restore peace and order in the country.

“There is no room for failure on our side in executing our mandate,” he said at a press conference at the General Directorate of the PNH in Clercine.

“Our job is to ensure the restoration of peace in Haiti. To this end, we are ready to work together with local and international authorities who are committed to working for the new Haiti,” declared Otunge. 

He said the multinational force will not fail in its mandate, which is stipulated in a UN resolution to among others to support the PNH in restoring security.

This will also lead to the organization of free and reliable elections in Haiti.

He said they are providing operational support to the Haitian police and enhancing their capacity for operations to counter gangs.

Otunge, a Senior Assistant Inspector General of Police said this will improve security conditions in the country and address kidnapping, smuggling of guns, homicides, extrajudicial killings and criminal networks among others.

Otunge said they will provide support to the local security of hospitals, airports, ports, roads, schools and key intersections.

He said Multinational Security Support will operate and comply with international and local laws in its mandate.

“The MSS with Haitian police have agreed to address the appalling security condition as our number one priority,” he said.

He appealed to locals to cooperate to have law and order.

The mission was authorised by the United Nations Security Council on October 2, 2023, under Resolution 2699.

The Kenyan officers are in Haiti to help combat marauding gangs that have held large swathes of the Caribbean country at ransom.

Prime Minister Garry Conille said more contingents are expected in the coming days.

He said the State will take back, house by house, city by city, district by district, control of the national territory.

The first team of 200 officers arrived in Haiti on June 25 while a second one of a similar number is expected in a week, officials said.

Kenya, which is leading the 2,500-member security force, has agreed with the Haitian government on rules of engagement for the security personnel, who could face fierce opposition from the well-armed Haitian gangs that have taken over the country’s capital and overwhelmed local police.

Apart from Kenya, other countries that will send officers to Haiti are Chile, Jamaica, Grenada, Paraguay, Burundi, Chad, Nigeria and Mauritius.

The Kenyan teams are from the Rapid Deployment Unit, Anti Stock Theft Unit, General Service Unit and Border Patrol Unit.

This is a combat-trained team that officials say can handle the situation on the ground professionally. 

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