Why NCIC is happy with Gen Z movement

"The fact that they are tribeless, is to us as NCIC a very positive thing."

In Summary
  • Kobia said that as a commission they have for long been promoting tolerance and coexistence.

  • He said it has been the call by the commission that politics in the country be issue-based and not inclined to ethnicity or tribes.

NCIC chairman Samuel Kobia
NCIC chairman Samuel Kobia
Image: FILE

The National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) has heaped praises on Generation Zs movement.

NCIC chairperson Samuel Kobia has lauded the youths for adopting a tribeless identity while pushing for reforms in Kenya during their demonstrations.

"As NCIC, we have followed the Gen Z initiatives and we want to state that the fact that they are tribeless, is to us as NCIC a very positive thing," Kobia said.

Kobia said that as a commission they have for long been promoting tolerance and coexistence.

He said it has been the call by the commission that politics in the country be issue-based and not inclined to ethnicity or tribes.

"We have been promoting a country that has Kenyans first and foremost and then other identities follow, and particularly tribes and ethnicities," Kobia said.

"As NCIC any person or group of people in the country who promote a tribeless nation of Kenya is to us a very welcome initiative."

Kobia also acknowledged the peaceful nature of Gen Zs recent demonstrations.

He said it is in line with NCIC’s commitment to promoting social harmony and discouraging divisiveness in Kenya.

"We welcome the fact that the Gen Z demonstrations were peaceful. We followed very closely, particularly the very first one which it was clear it was Gen Z, it was peaceful and therefore that's the other thing we commend them for."

The Gen Zs also displayed their tribeless movement during the memorial service at Uhuru Park while honoring those who lost their lives during protests.

Kenyans turned up in large numbers to honour those who died during the anti-Finance Bill 2024 protests across the country.

They carried Kenyan flags and waved them as they were entertained by various artistes.

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