Majority of protesters in anti-state demos aged between 18-24 - Infotrak

Survey shows that support for the Gen Z protests is higher among male youths

In Summary
  • The survey was conducted on July 14 and 15, 2024 with a sample size of 1,000 respondents to represent Gen Zs who were aged 18-27 years at the time of the survey.
gen z protests pictorial
gen z protests pictorial

A new report by Infotrak has revealed that the majority of individuals who have been engaged in the recent anti-government protests fall under the age group of between 18 to 24 years.

"This demographic makes up 78 per cent of Gen Zs support to the ongoing youth protests as compared to the age groups between 25 to 27 years which make up 73 per cent," Infotrak survey shows.

Infotrak further reported that support for the youth protests is higher among male youths who make up 76 per cent as compared to females who make up 73 per cent.

The survey was conducted on July 14 and 15, 2024 with a sample size of 1,000 respondents to represent Gen Zs who were aged 18-27 years at the time of the survey.

There was a margin error of ±3.099 per cent at a 95 per cent degree of confidence.

The interviews were conducted through Computer Assisted Telephone interviews.

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