Dialogue key to addressing country’s crisis, Sabina Chege’s Jubilee faction insists

The Kioni group has dismissed calls for national dialogue.

In Summary
  • Chege said the party was ready to participate in the proposed dialogue.
  • The officials also empathised with those who have lost livelihoods as a result of destruction of businesses and property.
Nominated MP Sabina Chege
Nominated MP Sabina Chege
Image: PCS

A faction of the Jubilee Party has supported President William Ruto’s call for dialogue in the wake of unrelenting Gen Z protests.

The group that comprises the National Executive Committee (NEC) and the Parliamentary Group (PG) welcomed the olive branch extended by the President.

In a press statement, the group led by Nominated MP Sabina Chege said the party was ready to participate in the proposed dialogue.

“As a party, we recall on February 10, 2023, the leadership and membership of the party unanimously resolved that the only way to resolve the issues facing Kenya is not through violent demonstrations but through consultations and dialogue,” said the nominated MP.

It was for this reason, she said, the party supported and actively participated in the national dialogue and reconciliation process that that has now given several recommendations including IEBC reforms.

Reading a different script from Jeremiah Kioni’s group, the Chege faction welcomed the olive branch extended by the President.

The Kioni group has dismissed calls for national dialogue.

The Chege’s faction called upon the government to expedite investigations into the loss of lives and property destruction during the recent protests.

“We call upon the government to expeditiously investigate all the cases of loss of life and bring to book all those responsible for these heinous crimes. The party condoles with the families of Kenyans who have lost their lives during the demonstrations,” they said in a statement.

The officials also empathised with those who have lost livelihoods as a result of the destruction of businesses and property.

“We unanimously condemn the loss of life that has been occasioned by goons infiltrating demonstrations by the GenZ and by rogue police officers,” said the party officials.

Chege encouraged President William Ruto to continue consulting across various sectors, political formations and interest groups towards the formation of a broad-based government.

“We urge President to come up with a team that will assist him in achieving Kenya’s aspiration for an accountable, self-sustaining, debt-free and efficient government that will expand job opportunities for our youthful population,” said Chege.

Pleading with the youth to suspend their protests, the leaders said Ruto had already shown goodwill by acceding to most of their demands.

“We urge Kenyans to suspend all demonstrations, remain calm and maintain peace so that we can give the President space to effect changes that will be in the best interest of our country,” they said.

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