Corruption cases will soon be concluded in 6 months – Ruto

He said the law will be changed to facilitate expeditious conclusion of graft cases.

In Summary
  • The President said the move will instil integrity in government officials and deal firmly and decisively with the menace.
  • He said the Executive will collaborate with the Judiciary and the criminal justice system to ensure corruption is eliminated.

The President said the move will instil integrity in government officials

President William Ruto addressing a rally in Kilifi on July 26, 2024.
President William Ruto addressing a rally in Kilifi on July 26, 2024.

Days when corruption cases took up to 10 years to be concluded will soon be gone, President William Ruto has assured.

Addressing a roadside rally in Kilifi on Friday, the President said the law will be amended to have corruption cases concluded within six months.

“We will not be taking corrupt officials to court and the cases take up to 10 years. We will change the law. We want corruption cases to be concluded within six months and the culprits jailed,” he said.

The President said the move will instil integrity in government officials and deal firmly and decisively with the menace.

He said the Executive will collaborate with the Judiciary and the criminal justice system to ensure corruption is eliminated.

“We cannot entertain those who steal from the public, who then go to court and obtain injunctions and then the cases drag on for years,” he stated.

Speaker of the Senate Amason Kingi, Governors Abdullswamad Nassir (Mombasa), Gideon Mung’aro (Kilifi), Fatuma Achani (Kwale), Issa Timamy (Lamu) and Godhana Dhadho (Tana River), and coast MPs and MCAs accompanied the President.

On Wednesday, Ruto announced several measures that his administration will take to combat corruption.

He said the measures were in response to public demands for greater accountability and transparency from the government.

He stated that he would propose amendments to the Evidence Act and Criminal Procedure Code, as well as other necessary changes, to expedite and prosecute corruption cases within six months.

Additionally, he said he will be proposing amendments to the Witness Protection Act to protect and incentivize whistleblowers, enhance witness protection, and make it easier and safer for citizens to come forward.

Ruto further Ruto intends to propose changes to the Public Finance Management Act and the Public Procurement and Disposal Act within ninety days.

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