Raila to Ruto: If you want our experts to join you, we release them

"They must work in accordance with the ethics of our party ODM and Azimio.''

In Summary
  • Raila, however, asked individuals  President Ruto will tap from the opposition to ensure a high degree of work ethic.
  • Raila reiterated that there was a need to have a national convention to address the issues raised by Gen Z.
Azimio leader Raila Odinga speaks during a funeral serbvice in Alego Usonga Siaya county on Saturday, July 27, 2024.
Azimio leader Raila Odinga speaks during a funeral serbvice in Alego Usonga Siaya county on Saturday, July 27, 2024.

ODM leader Raila Odinga now says President William Ruto is free to pick some experts from the opposition to join his Kenya Kwanza government.

The opposition leader said all that he wants is a new Kenya following weeks of anti-government protests across the country.

“We said if you want to take some of our experts and get into your government we release them to join your government but they work in accordance with the ethics of our party ODM and Azimio,” Raila said.

The ODM leader was speaking in Alego Usonga during the burial of Lawyer Evans Orwenjo.

Raila, however, asked individuals  President Ruto will tap from the opposition to ensure a high degree of work ethic.

"They must work in accordance with the ethics of our party ODM and Azimio, we said we want a new Kenya and the people of Kenya are entitled to it," he said.

The ODM boss said that because of Azimio's pursuit for a better Kenya, the opposition supports the demands canvassed by Gen Z.

"'Gen Z demands are the demands of the people of Kenya," Raila said days after some of his allies in ODM were picked into Cabinet.

"This position has not changed."

Raila said the issues raised by youthful protesters are not new, adding that rampant corruption, unemployment, high cost of living, management of debt and discrimination were the major issues that led to their demonstrations last year.

“Kenya is at a critical juncture we either move forward or perish because we don’t want to perish that is why I proposed that conversation and that is what I proposed that takes cognizance of the demographic profile of our nation and that there are several issues that need to be discussed at that convention,” he said.

Raila has faced a barrage of criticism after he endorsed the nomination of ODM luminaries into Cabinet despite insisting that the party had no deal with Ruto's UDA.

Ruto on Wednesday last week nominated ODM leaders Hassan Joho, Wycliffe Oparanya, Opiyo Wandayi and John Mbadi to his new cabinet.

Mbadi was given the Treasury docket, Energy and Petroleum went to Wandayi, Oparanya got Cooperatives and MSME Development while Joho was handed the Ministry of Mining and Blue Economy. 

Raila maintained that the nomination of the four ODM luminaries should not be perceived that he is the one who took them there adding that he only set them free to go and work for the people of Kenya.

“I have not changed my stand and the media have been misrepresenting facts in relation to what I have been saying,” he said.

Raila reiterated that there was a need to have a national convention.

"Kenya is at a critical juncture and it is either we move forward or we perish and because we don't want to perish, we need just a conversation and that's why I proposed matters to be dealt with first before that convention can be heard,” he said.

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