Kindiki explains his silence during the Genz protests

Kindiki said that as a CS, he does not give operational commands.

In Summary
  • He explained that operational issues are handled by the commander of the NPS.

  • He emphasised that this restriction prevented him from speaking out during the events of the past two months.
Interior CS nominee Kithure Kindiki when he appeared before the National Assembly committee for vetting on Thursday, August 1, 2024.
Interior CS nominee Kithure Kindiki when he appeared before the National Assembly committee for vetting on Thursday, August 1, 2024.

Interior Cabinet nominee Kithure Kindiki has explained his recent silence during the protests, stating that his role is limited to issuing policy directives.

He emphasised that this restriction prevented him from speaking out during the events of the past two months.

'The reason I did not talk every day is because the events being referred to were mainly operational issues. The work of the Cabinet Secretary for Interior as envisaged in Article 245 of the Constitution is to give the organs that fall under that ministry policy directions and guidance in particular because we are talking about the police. The police force is under independent command," Kindiki said.

"There are only a few people who can give commands, the Inspector General of Police, CS for interior, but for the CS only on policy issues, and the Director of Public Prosecutions in matters investigation of criminal activities." 

He explained that operational issues are handled by the commanders of the National Police (NPS).

"Therefore the minister does not give operational commands," he said.

Previously during the demonstration the former CS remained silent but on one Occassion made directives aimed at the protesters.

He warned protesters not to interfere with the non-protesters and cause havoc and harm.

He said that Kenyans have a right to demonstrate, however, they are limited by the law.

Kindiki said that protesters must remain peaceful and unarmed during the protests.

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