Crimes of the week: Man,67, found dead in farm as police chase another suspected of killing lover

Criminal activities that took place through the week

In Summary
  • On Monday, Detectives begun investigations into an incident in which a 67-year-old man is suspected to have been killed in cold blood on his farm in Hindi, Lamu County.
  • Police said the incident happened on Saturday, July 27 afternoon in Bobo Sublocation.
Crime scene.
CRIME: Crime scene.
Image: The Star

This week has been marred by killings, unknown suspects and bodies found lying in different places.

Here is a look into some crimes that took place this week:

On Monday, detectives began investigations into an incident in which a 67-year-old man is suspected to have been killed in cold blood on his farm in Hindi, Lamu County.

Police said the incident happened on Saturday, July 27 afternoon at Bobo Sublocation.

The body of Julius Baya Mweri was found at the farm he had been working on minutes before the suspected murder.

Police said the motive of the incident is yet to be established.

The son told police he excused himself to go and chase monkeys that were destroying their maize at the farm.

He was however shocked when he returned minutes later and found his father lying dead with two deep cuts on his forehead.

He had been with his son at the farm when the incident happened.

Police visited the scene and removed the body to Mpeketoni Hospital Mortuary for a postmortem examination.

Probe into Bungoma university student's death

Detectives began an investigation into an incident in which a university student was found dead after suspected suicide in a village in Bungoma.

Police said the incident happened in a house in Mwibale village and the student was identified as Benson Wafula, a third-year student at Lakeside University.

His body was discovered Saturday, July 26 evening hours after he had died by suicide.

The body was hanging on a truss at his parent’s house with a rope tied around his neck.

The motive of the incident is yet to be known, police said.

The body was removed to Bungoma County Referral Hospital Morgue for postmortem examination.

Police visited the scene as part of the probe into the tragedy.

Police in the chase for a man suspected to have killed Kayole salonist

Police are following good leads on the whereabouts of a man suspected to have killed a 29-year-old woman in Kayole, Nairobi.

Police said the tenant was found dead in her house by the caretaker of an apartment long after she had died.

The body of Patricia Manza, who was a salonist in the Saika area was found on Tuesday, lying naked on the bed in the bedsitter room.

Police said there were no physical injuries on the body and a note whose contents have not been made public was recovered on the bed.

Police said they had established that a wanted suspect in the murder had called the cousin of the deceased saying he and the woman had quarrelled.

He reported to the relative that Manza was dead before he switched off the phone and escaped the scene. He is believed to be the boyfriend of the deceased.

The body was moved to the mortuary pending autopsy and other investigations.

19-year-old shot in Marsabit gold mine clash

A 19-year-old man was shot and killed in a clash with police in an attempt to invade a goldmine in Hillo, Moyale, Marsabit county.

Police said they arrested 35 other illegal miners in the operation.

On the morning of July 30, a group of about 1,000 forcefully entered the Walkiti gold mining site prompting a police operation.

But the group turned rowdy and started pelting the officers with stones.

Others invaded the operation camp intending to overrun it.

In the ensuing melee, an Ethiopian identified as Salisa Abduba was killed.

Another 35 miners, including 21 Ethiopians, were arrested in the operation.

This is the latest in a series of clashes between security officials and locals who have been attempting to breach the sites to mine gold.

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