There's time for everything, Babu says on missing ODM leadership slot

Babu was left out when the Opposition party made leadership changes to fill vacant slots.

In Summary
  • Babu had earlier declared that he would like to lead the ODM party if Raila Odinga wins the African Union Commission chairperson seat.
  • The MP expressed confidence that Raila will win the seat during the elections slated for February next year.
Embakasi East MP Babu Owino
Embakasi East MP Babu Owino

Embakasi East MP Babu Owino now says he believes he will one day hold a key position in the leadership of the ODM party.

Babu was left out when the Opposition party made leadership changes to fill vacant slots left following the appointment to the Cabinet of Hassan Joho, Wycliffe Oparanya, Opiyo Wandayi and John Mbadi.

In the new changes, ODM settled on governors Simba Arati and Abdulswamad Nassir and Vihiga Senator Godfrey Osotsi as its deputy party leaders.

The party also retained Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna as secretary general and the party spokesperson.

Homa Bay Governor Gladys Wanga was picked to replace John Mbadi as the national chairman.

“There is a time and season for everything,” Babu said in his reaction to being left out in the lineup.

In a video circulating on social media, Babu used the analogy of a biblical story of a crippled man who lay waiting by the Pool of Bethesda for decades before Jesus unexpectedly healed him.

The paralytic had been unable to walk for 38 years and he had given up hope of being healed because he was unable to jump into the pool of water to benefit from its healing power. 

According to the Gospel of John, there was a crowd of people at the Pool of Bethesda, but the lame man was the only one healed by Jesus that day.

“Jesus healed him and the man carried his mat. He did not leave the mat. Carrying the mat was a sign of him not let his challenges carry him,” Babu said.

Babu's remarks came hours after he declared that he would like to lead the ODM party if Raila Odinga wins the African Union Commission chairperson seat.

The MP expressed confidence that Raila will win the seat during the elections slated for February next year.

"Baba akienda, mjitayarishe kufuata Babu! (When Baba goes, be prepared to follow Babu)" he said.

Raila will run against Mahmoud Ali Youssouf from Djibouti, Anil Kumarsingh Gayan of Mauritius and Richard Randriamandrato of Madagascar.

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