What Ruto told Gusii leaders at Kisii State Lodge meeting

The President asked leaders to close ranks and end political bickering

In Summary
  • The president lauded governor Simba Arati and Majority Whip Sylvanus Osoro for agreeing to work together.
  • Ruto is expected to conclude his three-day tour of Kisii and Nyamira counties on Wednesday.
President William Ruto with leaders from the Gusii region having a chat as they enjoy a bonfire at Kisii State Lodge on August 13, 2024.
President William Ruto with leaders from the Gusii region having a chat as they enjoy a bonfire at Kisii State Lodge on August 13, 2024.
Image: PCS

President William Ruto asked political leaders from the Gusii region to close ranks, end bickering and serve the people who elected them.

The president insisted that his administration would not discriminate against any region in government opportunities, promising to foster equity in the distribution of the national cake.

At the same time, Ruto asked the governors from the region to integrate their development programmes to better respond to the people’s needs and desires.

Speaking during a meeting with elected and nominated leaders from the region, the president said the broad-based government will have the face of Kenya so the country can move forward.

Details gleaned from interviews with politicians who attended the meeting at Kisii State Lodge on Tuesday evening said the president was categorical that leaders must work together.

The meeting was attended by among other governors Simba Arati (Kisii) and Amos Nyaribo (Nyamira) both of who promised to work together despite coming from different parties.

North Mugirango MP Jasho Nyamoko said the president asked the leaders to put the interests of Kenyans particularly their people at heart before making any decisions.

“We have an opportunity to change Kenyans and improve the lives and the livelihoods of our people if we stop petty politics, close the ranks and work together," Nyamoko said of what Ruto told them.

The UDA MP said the president also promised to look into the memoranda that were given to his office separately by leaders from Nyamira and Kisii counties last year.

“It was an open and candid discussion which allowed leaders to raise their issues directly with the head of state," Nyamoko said.

The two counties have prioritized the expansion of the Kisii-Keroka-Sotik road to ease trade in the region, arguing that the current state had led to a high cost of transport.

The stretch has been cited as being too narrow despite being hilly and meandering, putting the lives of road users at risk. The road records significant deaths monthly.

Arati said that the leaders from the region were grateful to the President for visiting the region for three days in his working tours of the country.

“It was indeed an honour to have hosted the president since Monday, we have seen the initiation of development projects across the region and hope to continue working closely with the national government for the development interests of our people," Arati said.

During the State Lodge meeting, the President downplayed concerns that the region was not well represented in the national Executive citing the recent appointment of Education CS Migosi Ogamba from Kitutu Chache.

While Ogamba comes from Kisii, the country’s Solicitor General Shadrak Mose hails from the neighbouring Nyamira county.

“We shall ensure that no part of this country is left behind when it comes to the sharing of the national cake and as you would appreciate, we are doing remarkably well as regards this region," Ruto is said to have told the leaders.

The president noted that the recent political truce between Arati and National Assembly Majority Whip Sylvanus Osoro should be cemented for the sake of stability in Kisii.

On August 9, President Ruto met Arati and Osoro at State House Nairobi where he brokered a political ceasefire between the two ahead of his tour of the Gusii region.

The two politicians have not been seeing eye to eye for years, with their supporters clashing several times whenever there have been political events.

In January, their political differences degenerated into a physical confrontation that left at least four people injured and several vehicles destroyed.

Gunshots rented the air as the two camps took on each other, forcing attendees of Arati's rally in South Mugirango to run for their dear lives.

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