Father, 66, arrested for alleged murder of son in Mumias

They had earlier on quarrelled for unknown reasons

In Summary
  • Police said the body of the deceased was found lying dead in a pool of blood with an electric wire tied around his neck.
  • The body had a deep cut on the forehead.
Image: The Star

A 66-year-old man was arrested after his son was found murdered at their home in Mumias, Kakamega County.

The body of Maudin Shibokara Mutende, 22, was found in a pool of blood on Tuesday moments after he had been killed in Mwitawa village.

Police said the body of the deceased was found lying dead in a pool of blood with an electric wire tied around his neck.

It is suspected that the wire was used to strangle him.

The body had a deep cut on the forehead.

His father was arrested after locals claimed he had on the previous day quarreled with the deceased and chased him while armed with a panga threatening to kill him.

The body was moved to Kakamega General Referral Hospital Mortuary awaiting postmortem.

Elsewhere in the Mowlem area, Dandora, a man was found dead after he had been assaulted by unknown people.

The man had earlier sought medical attention at the Mama Lucy Hospital while having physical head injuries.

He was discharged and left for his house.

His body was however found along Outering Road on Wednesday morning.

Police said preliminary findings show the victim had a swollen face probably hit by a blunt object.

The body was moved to the mortuary pending autopsy.

An investigation into the murder is ongoing, police said.

Elsewhere, police are investigating a murder in a case where a man was stoned to death in the Mlolongo area, Machakos County.

The body of the man was found in a trench with multiple injuries and blood oozing from the head.

Police have established the deceased aged between 25-30 years had no identification documents in his pockets.

It was further established that the deceased was a victim of mob injustice after being found stealing clothes from the nearby building.

In Lugari’s Sinogo village, Kakamega County, one Edwin Korir, 32 died after being hit by a wooden pole that he was loading onto a lorry.

Police said he died at the Lumakanda sub-County Hospital where he had been rushed to for treatment.

The body was moved to the mortuary pending investigations and autopsy.

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