In Parliament this week: Senators summon ex-governor Ngilu over textile factory’s books of accounts

KICOTEC was the first-ever garment factory established by a county government

In Summary
  • Kitui Governor Julius Malombe appeared before the committee to address concerns regarding the centres financial performance and accountability.
  • The factory was started to reduce garment costs and help the service industry in the county grow.
Former Kitui Governor, Charity Ngilu
Former Kitui Governor, Charity Ngilu
Image: FILE

Parliament is still in recess, but various House committees continued with scheduled business under their consideration.

During the week, the Senate Public County Investments and Special Funds Committee summoned former Kitui governor Charity Ngilu as it reviewed the financial statements of Kitui County Textile Centre (KICOTEC) for the 2019/20, 2020/21, and 2021/22 fiscal periods.

KICOTEC was the first-ever garment factory established by a county government. It was established to create jobs and boost the skill development of the youth.

The factory was also started to reduce garment costs and help the service industry in the county grow.

Kitui Governor Julius Malombe appeared before the committee to address concerns regarding the centre's financial performance and accountability.

The committee noted that the Auditor-General had issued adverse opinions for the centre’s financial years 2019/2020 and 2020/2021.

"The committee hereby issues summons, pursuant to Article 125 of the Constitution and sections 18 and 20 of the Parliamentary (Powers and Privileges) Act, 2017, to the former Governor of Kitui County Charity Ngilu, the former top management officials, and all officials who signed financial statements of the Kitui County Textile Center in the Financial years 2019/2020, 2020/2021 and 2021/2022,” committee chair Godfrey Osotsi announced.

Malombe was asked to submit various reports and information, including the centre’s status report, names and contact details of the Board of Directors, and details of signatories of bank accounts.

The Osotsi-led committee also held a meeting to review Auditor-General reports on the financial statements of Murang'a Municipality and Fort Beverage Industries Company Ltd.

Kang'ata before committee

Murang'a Governor Irungu Kang'ata appeared before the committee to address accountability concerns in county operations.

The committee hailed progress made by the county in addressing previously raised issues regarding water companies.

Nonetheless, the county was asked to conclusively address issues surrounding Non-Revenue Water and the transfer of Murang'a South Water and Sanitation Company Limited from the national government.

Departmental Committee on Tourism and Wildlife

The Departmental Committee on Tourism and Wildlife convened a meeting with the Wildlife Research and Training Institute, Tourism Fund, and Kenya International Convention Centre (KICC).

The committee chaired by Maara Constituency MP Kareke Mbiuki underscored the need for innovation, strategic action, and accountability to ensure the tourism sector thrives.

Mbiuki emphasised the urgency of these issues, stating that Kenya's tourism potential is immense.

“Our goal is to ensure that every shilling spent yields maximum benefit for our people and our economy," he said.

In a meeting with the management of the Tourism Fund, the committee discussed the engagement of local youth in tourism-related projects, particularly in Tsavo.

Acting CEO of the Tourism Fund David Mwangi Mwangi told the committee that the Fund was creating jobs and investing in conversation.

"By involving the youth, we are not only creating jobs but also fostering a generation that is invested in conservation and tourism management. This approach is a win-win, offering both employment and skill development opportunities," he stated.

The involvement of local communities in tourism projects also took centre-stage during discussions.

The committee stressed the importance of ensuring that these communities are not only consulted but actively involved in initiatives that impact their livelihoods.

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