County government workers issue 21-day strike notice over delayed pay rise

The notice comes after the State increased salaries of civil servants

In Summary
  •  “We hereby demand the immediate implementation of the salary increment for all county employees without any further delay within 21 days…”
  • The government announced a minimum raise of Sh1,300 for the lowest job group and up to around Sh5,000 for the highest.

Operations in the 47 counties face a complete shutdown as county government workers join lecturers in threatening to down their tools and demanding higher pay.

Kenya County Government Workers Union secretary general Roba Duba in his office
Kenya County Government Workers Union secretary general Roba Duba in his office
Image: FILE

County government workers have issued a 21-day strike notice over delayed salary increments.

Kenya County Government Workers Union Secretary General Roba Duba’s notice comes hot on the heels of a Sh1.5 billion salary increment announcement for civil servants, ending a looming strike that would have paralysed service delivery.

“It has come to our attention that the national government employees’ salaries are being increased in the implementation of the second phase of salary increments in Public Service to the exclusion of county employees,” Duba said.

The government announced a minimum raise of Sh1,300 for the lowest job group and up to around Sh5,000 for the highest.

The civil servants will also receive a raise in house allowances in the salary structure.

"The new basic salaries and house allowance will apply to civil servants in the national government in CSG17 to CSG4 who will be in service on or after July 1, 2024," a circular released by Public Service Principal Secretary Amos Gathecha on Tuesday said.

On Wednesday, Duba said failure to increase salaries for county government workers will result in a strike.

“We hereby demand the immediate implementation of the salary increment for all county employees without any further delay within 21 days, failure to which, we shall call upon all county employees to down their tools until the same is implemented,” Duba said.

According to the new structure, the lowest-paid civil servant in job group CSG17, whose current pay is Sh15,580 per month, will now receive Sh16,920.

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