Fresh eyesore for DP as 48 Mt Kenya MPs name Kindiki kingpin

This could complicate Gachagua's push to consolidate the region behind him.

In Summary
  • Gachagua recently said he had managed to unite Mt Kenya except for a few leaders who he said "are being paid to abuse me".

  • The DP affirmed that the Mt Kenya remains stronger when united and any attempt to cause division would only worsen the situation for them.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua at his official Residence in Karen, Nairobi chaired a multi-agency meeting with various heads of state departments on September 10,2024,
Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua at his official Residence in Karen, Nairobi chaired a multi-agency meeting with various heads of state departments on September 10,2024,
Image: DPCS

The endorsement of Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki by a section of Mt Kenya leaders as the region's kingpin has brought a new twist to the kingship battle.

Until a few weeks ago, Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua was seen to have managed to galvanise the region behind him as the Mt Kenya de facto political leader.

The DP has been aggressive to succeed retired President Uhuru Kenyatta as the Mt Kenya kingpin since the 2022 polls.

However, a move by at least 48 MPs from Mt Kenya to vouch for Kindiki as the region's spokesperson and leader could complicate Gachagua's push to consolidate the region behind him.

The latest political development could further widen cracks in the region amid simmering tensions and squabbles within the political rank.

The 48 MPs declared their allegiance to Kindiki as the battle for the control of the Mt Kenya region gathers momentum.

"We, as the elected leaders from this region and its Diaspora on our behalf and that of our people, unanimously resolve that our link to the National government be the Cabinet Secretary for the Interior and National Administration Prof Kithure Kindiki, whose responsibilities include the coordination of National government functions across Country," the MPs said in a statement on Thursday.

Recently, Gachagua claimed that there was a scheme by political forces to divide the Mt Kenya, telling the region to be like Luo Nyanza, Ukambani and Kalenjin where leaders are respected.

He said his recent trip to Luo Nyanza taught him the importance of communial unity and respect for leaders.

"Please be like other communities. I have never heard people of Luo insulting Raila, not a single one. I haven't heard even one Kalenjin insulting William Ruto and I haven't heard even one Kamba insulting Kalonzo," Gachagua said in Meru last week.

As it would appear, the DP's push for Mt Kenya unity has run into headwinds with the endorsement of Kindiki as the region's kingpin set to throw the spanners in the works.

The declaration by the 48 MPs may reignite rivalry between Gachagua and Kindiki as witnessed when they both angled to be picked as President William Ruto's running mate ahead of the 2022 polls.

Ruto settled on Gachagua after daylong huggling and negotiations at his then official DP's residence in Karen and later handed Kindiki control of the Interior docket after he assumed office.

The latest development in the kingship battle could be linked to the 2027 supremacy battles after a group of 20 other MPs from Mt Kenya East-Kindiki's backyard-also named him on Monday as their political godfather.

In a meeting held in Nyahururu on Thursday, the 48 MPs said that after consultations, they agreed that there was need to have a link that will create a nexus with the Executive on matters of development.

On Thursday, the reaffirmed their commitment to the unity and development of all the people of the Mt Kenya region and those in the diaspora.

"We are convinced beyond doubt that the unity of this region must be pursued in the context of the unity of the nation as a whole. We are one indivisible people of Kenya and must always put our country first-Kenya Kwanza."

Gachagua recently said he had managed to unite Mt Kenya except for a few leaders who he said "are being paid to abuse me".

The DP affirmed that the Mt Kenya remains stronger when united and any attempt to cause division would only worsen the situation for them.

"In a population of 13 million, they are less than 10, just ignore [the divisive leaders]. The people are good. Going forward, I want to assure you that as long as we are united as a region, we are in good space," he said.

"Don't allow anybody to divide you along county lines. Our strength is our unity," the DP reiterated.

Some of the DP's foremost critics including National Assembly Majority leader Kimani Ichung'wah and Laikipia East MP Mwangi Kiunjuri attended Thursday's meeting, signaling how deep the supremacy battle runs.

The two accused Gachagua of dividing and isolating Mt Kenya from the rest of the country through alleged selfish politics of antagonism.

Other notable MPs who attended Thursday's meeting where Kindiki was backed as MT Kenya kingpin include Eric Wamumbi (Mathira), John Wanjiku (Kiambaa), Betty Maina (Murang’a), John Kiarie (Dagoretti South), Karen Nyamu (Nominated Senator) and Alice Ng’ang’a (Thika Town), among others.

This week, Ichung’wah launched a fresh attack on Gachagua, whom he accused of undermining regional development.

Ichung’wah indirectly took a swipe at the DP and his allies suggesting they were sabotaging reforms in the tea, coffee and milk sectors.

“This is stalling the reform processes and hurting the very farmers we are trying to support,” Ichung’wah said.

However, Gachagua has been at the forefront implementing reforms as outlined in President Ruto’s Executive Order No. 1 of January 2023.

He was recently in Mombasa where he helped unlock an impasse at the Mombasa Tea Auction that had led to a stockpile of the produce in warehouses.

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