KNCHR condemns police action during Multimedia varsity protest

Commission want the Police IG to conduct immediate investigations into the incident

In Summary
  • The Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR) is an Independent National Human Rights lnstitution (NHRI) established under Article 39 of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 and the ANCHR Act, 2011. The Commission's mandate is the promotion and protection of human rights in Kenya.
Police lobbing teargas on protestors on Tuesday during protest at Multi-Media University
Police lobbing teargas on protestors on Tuesday during protest at Multi-Media University

The Kenya National Commission of Human Rights condemned the reported cases of police brutality during the Multimedia University students protest on September 17.

In the statement, KNCHR strongly condemned the alleged brutality meted out on Trevor Mureithi, a student at Multimedia University, by police officers.

‘In a video clip circulating and viewed by the Commission, a group of police officers allegedly armed with teargas guns and batons are seen hurling kicks and blows at the students before dragging him to a spot where one of the officers released a canister near Trevor before it detonated," KNCHR said.

Trevor moved his body in time to prevent the canister from exploding in his face, KNCHR said.

"It is abhorring to watch such scenes, having witnessed a similar attack at Parliament Buildings where a protester was killed after a canister released by security agents exploded on his body."

The Commission said it was consistent in reporting police brutality cases during the protests with the hope that the service and its officers would regroup and re-strategise on public order management with a view of rightfully dealing with protesters.

"We continue to reiterate the tenets of Article 37 of the Constitution: that every person has the right to peaceably, unarmed, to assemble, to demonstrate, to picket, and to present petitions to public authorities."

Additionally, Article 28 provides that every person has inherent dignity and the right to have their dignity respected and protected, KNCHR said.

Among the Commission’s recommendations were Immediate investigations of the incident by the Inspector General of Police of the National Police Service

The commission further recommends that the medical expenses of the student should be taken up by the police.

"The National Police Service should heavily invest in the mental wellness of officers to ensure they perform their policing duties while in the right state of mind and with respect to the rule of law’ KNCHR said.

The Commission further said all the rule of law and respect to the judicial processes must be adhered to and when aggrieved, the right processes as prescribed by law must be followed.

"Police officers should be faithful to their mission of
'utumishi kwa wote."

Finally, the Commission said it will continue to discharge its constitutional duty of protecting and promoting the rights of all Kenyans.

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