Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, and Forestry CS Aden Duale has outlined initiatives implemented by the Ministry to address key programmes designed to address climate change in ASALS.
Duale said the Ministry was committed to managing invasive species like Prosopis Juliflora (Mathenge), which has infested 22 counties, and Ipomoea hildebrandtii (Oltiameleteti) which is prevalent in Kajiado.
"At the heart of our efforts is the $15 billion Tree Growing Initiative, which aims to restore 10.6 million hectares of degraded landscapes by 2032. Pastoralist areas, which constitute 88 per cent of Kenya’s landmass, are central to this initiative," Duale said.
"These regions are home to 70 per cent of our livestock and 90 per cent of our wildlife, and nearly half of the restoration targets focus on rangelands."
Duale said the government is aware of the special place held by pastoralist communities that occupy the highly vulnerable ASALs in delivering its broad climate action mandate.
Worsening negative impacts of climate change, characterized by cyclic heavy flooding and droughts, have devastated pastoralist communities whose lives largely depend on livestock keeping.
He added that climate change is destroying Kenya's natural resources through land degradation and biodiversity loss, affecting pastoralist livelihoods.
"By restoring these rangelands, we aim to create climate-resilient landscapes that support pastoralist livelihoods and contribute to national goals of biodiversity conservation," CS Duale said.
The CS recognised the critical role PPG plays in developing effective policies that address the unique needs of pastoralist regions.
At the same time, CS Duale undertook to work with PPG in strengthening regulatory frameworks around land tenure, resource conflicts and rangeland restoration as well as in the advocacy for enhanced financing of climate financing in these areas.
CS Duale was accompanied by Forestry PS Gitonga Mugambi.
Duale was presiding over the Opening Session of the Pastoralist Parliamentary Group (PPG) Leadership Retreat.
The two-day retreat has been convened to discuss the role of PPG in enhancing climate change resilience, peacebuilding, security and promoting community land rights in pastoralist areas.
The meeting, held under 7 thematic areas among them land, environment and climate change adaptation, will set the agenda for the 4th Pastoralist Leadership Summit (PLS) scheduled for November 28 to December 1 this year in Wajir County.
The meeting brought together national and county leaders from pastoralist communities including parliamentarians under Major (Rtd) Bashir Abdullahi who is the Chairman of PPG.
Founded in 1998, PPG is a leadership forum comprising elected and nominated legislators at national and county levels. It's key objective is to mainstream pastoralists agenda in Kenya's political and policy processes.