More suicide cases reported amid concerns over trend

Police have termed the trend as worrying saying up to two cases are reported daily.

In Summary
  • Police say the trend has been worrying and increasing as up to two cases are reported daily.
  • The World Health Organisation says such cases are attributed to joblessness, death, academic failures or pressures, legal difficulties and financial difficulties.

At least six suicide cases were reported to police on Sunday alone in a worrying trend.

The cases remain under probe even as police say the incidents are on the rise at an alarming rate.

The first incident was reported in Tigoni, Limuru, Kiambu County.

Police said the body of lan Ngomo Ramba, 24 was found hanging on a piece of cloth.

The piece of cloth was tied around his neck and the body was hanging on the rafters of his one-bedroomed house.

Police said the incident happened on September 23 and the motive is yet to be known.

The body was moved to the mortuary pending autopsy.

The second incident happened in Kamulu area, Nairobi where a man was found dead after suicide in his parents’ house.

Police said the victim’s body was hanging on a truss with a manila rope tied around the neck in the September 22 incident.

Police said the body had small cut wounds probably from sharp objects on both hands.

It was removed to the Kenyatta University Mortuary for postmortem.

In Taita Taveta’s Mwatate area one Granton Ngulo Mwandango, 45, died by suicide in Allole Sublocation after hanging himself with a mosquito net.

The net was tied around his neck on one of the roof rafters of his house.

No suicide note was recovered and the body was removed to Moi County Teaching and Referral Hospital for preservation and postmortem.

In Mpeketoni, Lamu County, Michael Nganga, 65 died by suicide by hanging himself with a manila rope which was tied around his neck.

The body was hanging from one of the roof rafters of an unfinished house.

No suicide note was recovered and the body which had no visible injuries was moved to Mpeketoni Subcounty Hospital Mortuary for preservation and postmortem.

In Bahati, Nakuru County, an employee of a flower company was found dead in suspected suicide.

Police said Dennis Wanjala Nyongesa, 23, a resident of Wanyororo B hanged himself using a sisal rope that was tied around his neck on a tree.

Police officers said they established that the deceased was suffering from a mental disorder.

No suicide note was found and the body was moved to Nakuru Annex Mortuary for post-mortem.

In Nyeri, Tetu area, one Boniface Waweru, 25, died by suicide by hanging himself using a white bed sheet that was tied around his neck from one of the roof rafters of his rental house.

The incident happened at Matathini Shopping Centre in Mutathini Sub Location.

The motive of the incident is yet to be known and the body was removed to Nyeri Referral Hospital Mortuary for autopsy.

In Madiany, Siaya County, one Colleta Atieno, Adula, 45, was found dead after a suspected suicide.

Police said she had hanged herself using a manila rope that was tied around her neck inside her kitchen.

No suicide note was recovered and the body which had no visible injuries was removed to Madiany Subcounty Hospital Mortuary for postmortem examination.

In Kabartonjo, Baringo County, 35-year-old David Kipkulei Chebet died by suicide by taking poison.

Police said they found the lifeless body of the man lying with blood oozing from mouth and nose and beside the body was a bottle with half liquid suspected to be gladiator poison, an insecticide used to control termites.

No suicide note was recovered, police said.

The liquid was collected and kept for analysis and the body was removed to Baringo County Referal Hospital Mortuary for preservation and post-mortem examination.

A medical intern had on Sunday died by suicide in Gatundu Town. 

Desree Moraa, 27 was a medical intern at the Gatundu Hospital and she left a suicide note explaining the motive.

The suicide note found beside her body attributed the reasons to a stressful working environment and personal struggles.

The Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU) has demanded for better work environments for healthcare workers following the demise of Moraa.

KMPDU Secretary General Davji Atellah demanded for a healthcare system that prioritises workers' mental well-being and ensures fair compensation to prevent exploitation.

"Moraa’s death is a sad but glaring manifestation of our country’s broken healthcare system that feeds on the unpaid and underpaid labor of young doctors and continues to undermine their safety and basic human rights," he said.

"A workplace should not make workers feel so isolated and desperate that they believe there is no way out. The system as designed failed Moraa and many others who we have mourned before. It is a dangerous system that will continue to wreak havoc on the lives of healthcare workers."

“We owe it to Moraa and to every healthcare worker in this country to demand for work environments that prioritise workers mental well-being, ensure timely and fair compensation, and hold accountable those who perpetuate abuse and exploitation.”

Police say cases of suicide are on the rise in the country.

Police say the trend has been worrying and increasing as up to two cases are reported daily.

The World Health Organisation says such cases are attributed to joblessness, death, academic failures or pressures, legal difficulties and financial difficulties.

Other reasons are bullying, previous suicide attempts, history of suicide in a family, alcoholism and substance misuse, depression and bipolar disorder.

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