Lands ministry praised for improved service delivery

Ministry plans to issue 280,000 title deeds this financial year

In Summary

• During the last financial year, the State Department achieved significant milestones, including the settlement of over 10,000 households.

• Additionally, Nairobi and Murang'a counties have been fully digitised

Lands CS Alice Wahome issues a title to a resident of Igembe
Lands CS Alice Wahome issues a title to a resident of Igembe

Lands ministry has been praised for its outstanding performance in the 2023-24 financial year.

The National Assembly's Departmental Committee on Lands praised the ministry for its impressive collection of Sh 12.9 billion in revenue and improved service delivery.

The committee praised the ministry for its commitment and pledged its support for efficient service delivery.

Garsen MP Ali Wario, Lelmengit Josses ((Emgwen), Omar Mwinyi (Changamwe), Mathias Robi (Kuria), rachael Nyamai (Kitui South) and Thaddeus Nzambia (Kilome) are among the MPs who commended the ministry.

"I would like to express my gratitude to the Lands PS for the exceptional work being done in the State Department, particularly in the resettlement of the landless. However, I also urge him to address the needs of Tana River residents. The people of Kipini are still awaiting their title deeds," Wario said.

During the last financial year, the State Department achieved significant milestones, including the settlement of more than 10,000 households.

Additionally, Nairobi and Murang'a counties have been fully digitised, while the scanning and georeferencing of more than 44,000 land parcels in Isiolo, Marsabit and Mombasa Island are underway.

The ministry plans to issue 280,000 title deeds this financial year

These accomplishments underscore its commitment to effective land administration.

PS Nixon Korir briefed the committee on the budget implementation for the financial year.

"I am pleased to report that the Lands and Physical Planning Department has exceeded expectations, issuing more than 400,000 title deeds during the 2023-24 financial year, surpassing the target of 330,000 titles," he said.

He said an additional 150,000 title deeds are ready for issuance.

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