The National Treasury has disbursed Sh12.68 billion to 45 countries for the Financing Locally Led Climate Action (FLLOCA) Programme.
Head of Climate Finance and Green Economy Unit at the National Treasury, Peter Odhengo revealed this during the ongoing climate change talks in Azerbaijan.
“1,178 projects are running at different levels in all wards today. And as we are talking here, people are working on the ground,” Odhengo said.
Odhengo said there are several ongoing projects in 1,418 wards.
The Treasury official was speaking in a session; ‘Climate adaptation and displacement response: innovative gender-responsive financing and operational models for locally-led actions in fragile and conflict affected settings.’
Other panelists in the session included SIF Head of Mission for Kenya and Somalia Gorkhmaz Huseynov, Executive Director Africa Centre for Sustainable and Inclusive Development Salome Owuonda, Senior Climate Change Strategy Officer, Mercy Corps Dr Anyse Pereira and Agusto, and Company Regional Director Ikechukwu Iheagwam.
The FLLOCA program seeks to strengthen local resilience to the impact of climate change, natural hazards, and other shocks by building local capacity to plan, budget, implement and monitor resilience investments.
This is in a way that promotes collaborative partnerships between communities, and national and county governments.
The programme focuses on capitalizing on the National and County Climate Change Funds and building county-level capacity for planning, budgeting, reporting, and implementing local climate actions in partnership with communities.
It is being implemented by the National Government in collaboration with county governments.
The FLLOCA programme has been termed a game changer.
Odhengo, lauded the programme, saying the people-centered program has helped in a big way to address the impacts of climate change.
“FLLOCA is transformative, innovative, and doesn't follow the business-as-usual model. It is designed with a long-range trajectory. The more you deliver, the more you get the money,” Odhengo said.
Odhengo said there are plans to scale up resources going to the programme.
He said all 47 counties have met the preparatory minimum condition and are now part and parcel of the program.
Odhengo said Nairobi was the last county to meet the conditions. He warned that misuse of the funds has dire consequences, as the money must be utilised for an intended program to uplift the vulnerable in society.
Owuonda lauded FLOCCA for working on risk and vulnerability analysis, which takes into account the needs and interests of the people being reached.
“If you do not do this, you risk not having the right indicators to use in the monitoring and reporting.”