
EXPLAINER: Why many pregnancy-related complications go undetected and untreated

The study reports that haemorrhage, often occurring during or after childbirth, is responsible for 27 percent of maternal deaths.


Realtime11 March 2025 - 08:54

In Summary

  • In total, there were approximately 287,000 maternal deaths in 2020, which means one woman died every two minutes.
  • The report reveals that many women still lack access to life-saving treatments and care during and after pregnancy.
A pregnant woman/ AI

A new study by the World Health Organization (WHO) has found that severe bleeding (haemorrhage) and hypertensive disorders, like preeclampsia, are the leading causes of maternal deaths worldwide.

Preeclampsia is a pregnancy complication characterised by high blood pressure and can lead to dangerous complications like haemorrhage, strokes, organ failure and seizures if not treated in time.

These conditions were responsible for about 80,000 and 50,000 deaths, respectively, in 2020, the latest year for which data is available.

In total, there were approximately 287,000 maternal deaths in 2020, which means one woman died every two minutes.

The report reveals that many women still lack access to life-saving treatments and care during and after pregnancy.

Published in The Lancet Global Health, this study is the first global update from WHO on maternal deaths since the adoption of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals in 2015.

In addition to outlining the main causes, the report highlights other health conditions such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, anemia, and diabetes.

It states that the conditions are responsible for nearly a quarter (23 percent) of pregnancy-related deaths.

WHO said these conditions often go undetected or untreated until complications arise, increasing risks for many women worldwide.

Director of Sexual and Reproductive Health at WHO, Pascale Allotey, emphasised that understanding the causes of maternal deaths is key to addressing the global maternal mortality crisis.

 “This is also a massive equity issue globally - women everywhere need high quality, evidence-based health care before, during and after delivery, as well as efforts to prevent and treat other underlying conditions that jeopardize their health,” Allotey said.

The study reports that haemorrhage, often occurring during or after childbirth, is responsible for 27 percent of maternal deaths.

Preeclampsia and other hypertensive disorders contribute to another 16 percent.

Other direct causes of maternal deaths include infections (sepsis), pulmonary embolism (blood clots in the lungs), and complications from abortions (both spontaneous and unsafe).

There are also risks from anaesthetic complications and injuries during childbirth.

The findings emphasise the need to improve maternity care, including early antenatal services to detect risks, emergency care for birth-related complications like haemorrhage, and postnatal care.

Most maternal deaths occur during or shortly after childbirth, making this a critical time for saving lives.

However, the WHO said about a third of women, particularly in lower-income countries, still do not receive essential postnatal care within the first days after birth.

WHO scientist Jenny Cresswell, an author of the report, said that often, a combination of factors contributes to maternal deaths.

For example, preeclampsia can increase the risk of haemorrhage and other complications that may occur long after childbirth.

“A more holistic approach to maternal health improves the chances of a healthy pregnancy, safe birth, and a good quality of life after delivery,” Cresswell said.

"Health systems need to support women at all stages of life."

WHO assured that it is committed to improving access to high-quality, respectful services across pregnancy, childbirth, and postnatal care.

In 2024, the WHO and its partners launched a global Roadmap for Postpartum haemorrhage, focusing on key priorities to reduce this major cause of maternal death.

The World Health Assembly, with 194 countries, also passed a resolution to strengthen care before, during, and after childbirth.

In 2025, World Health Day will focus on maternal and newborn health, marking five years since the SDGs deadline.

The campaign will call for intensified efforts to ensure that women, especially in the poorest countries and crisis settings, have access to high-quality care.

It will also highlight the need for ongoing attention to women’s health, including postnatal care and support.

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