
Burying an elder inside a house is not a new thing, it's part of Luo culture — Siaya elders

Decision to inter John Umidha inside his private house, "duol," has left tongues wagging

by Tabnacha Odeny

Nyanza26 September 2024 - 19:38

In Summary

  • • Though not out of order amongst the Luo community, the whole thing seems odd with the younger generation, who have made it a subject of discussion in different platforms. 
  • • John Orwenjo Umidha was, until his death, the chairman of the Orange Democratic Movement party in Alego-Usonga constituency. 
The building that will host former Siaya mayor, John Orwenjo Umidha's grave.
Mourners escort a bull to be slaughtered during the former mayor's funeral

A decision by the family of former Siaya mayor and astute businessman, John Orwenjo Umidha to inter his body inside his private house, "Duol,"  has left tongues wagging. 

Though not out of order amongst the Luo community, the whole thing seems odd with the younger generation, who have made it a subject of discussion in different platforms. 

When he was live, Orwenjo would leave many in stitches whenever he took to the podium doing what he loved best, politics. 

John Orwenjo Umidha, aka Maama’s jokes, knew no age, status, or political divide.  From former President Daniel Toroitich Arap Moi to former Prime Minister Raila Odinga, most would be left with aching ribs. 

“Maama” perhaps could be placed in the league of former politicians like Joseph Mulu Mutisya and Kariuki Chotara, who, despite little education, rose from humble backgrounds to control politics within their environments. 

The family of the late Siaya mayor and elders said this is not a new thing.

“Burying an elder inside a house is not a new thing. It is part of Luo culture, only that it was abandoned some years back,” Abanja Kotieno, the Kakan clan elder to which the late former Siaya mayor belongs, said.

According to Abanja, Luos buried their elders inside the first wife’s house. This, according to him, was out of the need to protect the body from wild animals that roamed and would dig out the graves. 

“In Orwenjo’s case, we are honouring his wish that his body be interred inside his “duol” which, in Luo practice, was like an office where a polygamous man would sit and settle all family matters."

A mason putting final touches on the grave.
Dr Kut Ochogo , Siaya county chief officer for education, youth and gender addressing the media at the home of Orwenjo Umidha.

He says that the late mayor would be buried facing his gate. 

His sentiments were supported by Siaya's chief officer for Education, Youth and Gender Dr Kut Ochogo, who says that the community believes that death is just a transition to the next world and that elders will always take care of those they leave behind. 

“Old men with homesteads would be accorded this rite, but women and children would be buried outside on the right or left of the house, depending on the gender,” Dr Ochogo, who had earlier arrived at the home in traditional Luo attire, said. 

He says that the deceased was not just a leader in Alego-Usonga but a source of wisdom to the residents and left indelible marks on many lives. 

Dr Ochogo says the fact that modernity has taken roots does not mean that people lose their culture. 

“Our culture demands that we give a leader of Orwenjo’s calibre a befitting send-off,” said the former University of Nairobi don. 

The duo, together with Siaya township member of the county assembly, Obiero Otare, said that the late Orwenjo deserved a burial befitting a respected elder because of the mark he has left in the political leadership in the area. 

“He has nurtured several people into politics, including myself,” said Otare adding that when he ventured into politics, it was Orwenjo who encouraged and even paid for his party nomination fees. 

John Orwenjo Umidha was, until his death, the chairman of the Orange Democratic Movement party in the Alego-Usonga constituency. 

He had been in politics since the 1970s when he was the local Kanu chairman and a point man of the late President Moi in the area. 

“He was the first politician, humble as he was, to take on the former powerful minister and Kanu chairman, Peter Oloo Aringo, in an election, but he was floored,” Dr Ochogo said.

Local leaders, among them Siaya Governor James Orengo, have mourned him as a friend who was a firm believer in the principles of the ODM party. 

Orengo said that as the chairman of the Alego-Usonga constituency, the former mayor served with diligence, dedication, and loyalty. 

Orwenjo will be buried on Saturday, September 28, at his home in Nyachwinya village in the outskirts of Siaya town in a ceremony that is expected to attract top politicians.

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