NGAIRA: Implement UHC laws to boost access to healthcare

Successful Implementation of the UHC laws requires sustained commitment, partnerships, and effective governance.

In Summary
  • For too long, access to quality healthcare has been a privilege rather than a right for many Kenyans.
  • Economic disparities, geographical constraints, and systemic inefficiencies have exacerbated a situation where a significant portion of the population has struggled to access primary healthcare services.

The commemoration of International Universal Health Care Day on December 12, 2023, takes place on the backdrop of the recent enactment of new laws billed as a game-changer in the health sector.

It also comes at a time when the Ministry of Health has invited public views on the development of regulations to guide the implementation of the new laws.

This step underscores commitment to ensuring health access for all citizens as well as addressing the longstanding challenges that have been in existence.

The importance of universal health care cannot be overstated.

For too long, access to quality healthcare has been a privilege rather than a right for many Kenyans.

Economic disparities, geographical constraints, and systemic inefficiencies have exacerbated a situation where a significant portion of the population has struggled to access primary healthcare services.

Reforms to address the disparities and bring forth a paradigm shift towards a more inclusive and equitable healthcare system are long overdue.

The focus on primary health care emphasizes the significance of preventive and community-based services.

This approach aligns with global best practices and recognizes that a robust healthcare system starts at the grassroots level.

By investing in preventive measures, health education, and community engagement, the country would be guaranteed a healthier and more resilient population.

Financial barriers have posed significant challenges to healthcare accessibility.

The Social Health Insurance Act has the potential solution to enhance healthcare resources, provided it is effectively implemented.

According to an analysis by the African Institute for Development Policy, the proposed levy of 2.75% on gross salaries could generate Sh44.4 billion from the private sector and Sh20.5 billion from the public sector.

This would result in Sh65 billion in revenues for the Social Health Insurance Fund (SHIF), surpassing the current Sh60 billion from all funding sources.

If other contributions remain constant, the suggested levy has the potential to double the available funds for SHIF, thereby significantly improving its financial capacity.

Progressive onboarding of the informal sector and efficiency in management and use of SHIF resources have the potential to transform the health financing landscape as well as health outcomes.

Given that healthcare is a devolved function, the National Facility Improvement Fund Act provide counties with the opportunity to streamline the Facility improvement funds (FIF).4

As Counties embank on developing FIF regulations, there is an expectation that the country-specific regulations will fully address the bottlenecks that have consistently inhibited the full realization of the objectives of the Facility Improvement Financing Act initially developed by counties.

This legislation will play a significant role in ensuring that the resources generated at health facilities are safeguarded and not diverted to other sectors.

The provisions for financial risk protection, including mechanisms such as health insurance and subsidies, can go a long way in alleviating the burden on individuals and families.

This not only ensures that healthcare services are affordable but also mitigates the catastrophic health expenditures that have for years plunged families into poverty. 

However, the successful implementation of the UHC laws requires sustained commitment, collaborative partnerships, and effective governance.

Adequate funding, transparency in resource allocation, and the involvement of local communities and non-state actors will be crucial to the success of this ambitious healthcare reform.

Moreover, continuous monitoring and evaluation mechanisms should be put in place to ensure that the intended benefits of universal health care are realised and sustained over time. 

As the country joins the world in marking the International Universal Health Care Day, let it be a moment of reflection on the progress made and a renewed commitment to the journey ahead.

The UHC laws are not just legal statutes; they represent a pledge to transform the healthcare landscape, fostering a nation where health is a universal right, not a privilege.

By embracing the spirit of universal health care, the country is not only investing in the physical well-being of its citizens but also laying the groundwork for a more resilient and prosperous future for all.


Derick Ngaira is a Communications Officer at African Institute for Development Policy. [email protected]

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