President Uhuru Kenyatta and Deputy President William Ruto came together in 2011 after they were charged with crimes against humanity. The two had worked together as youngsters in Kanu and also in the 2005 referendum when they were in the Orange camp, which opposed the proposed constitution.
Their intentions were not political but the ICC cases gave them an opportunity to deal with an issue that remained unsolved for long. They came together because they wanted to bring two communities together, the Kikuyu and Kalenjin, who had a history of election violence.
Both parties wanted peace, and to unite the nation. Eventually, this led to them coming together and forming a political movement that Kenyans accepted and with which they formed their first government in 2013.
During the period before the election, the two went around the country in events dubbed the Tuko Pamoja rallies and these united the nation. They had created a movement that showed Kenyans that unity was key to the future of Kenya.
Throughout the time that Uhuru has been President, he has made it very clear that his chosen successor is the Deputy President. He has never communicated otherwise to his followers or in closed quarters to his confidants.
People away from the two of them have made the claim that the President has abandoned his deputy and friend. But his unbridled ambition and impatience have destroyed the relationship between the President and his deputy—at least publicly.
Instead of waiting patiently for the completion of the President’s term and the handing over of the baton, the Deputy President has decided to campaign early, subtly attack the President on numerous occasions and openly defy his boss.
The President is only concerned about peace, leaving a lasting legacy and transforming the lives of Kenyans. This is something that he has repeated often, asking those in his government to focus on delivering the promises that they made to Kenyans.
But it appears like Ruto is not focused on this nor does he believe in the pledges he and Uhuru gave ahead of the 2013 and 2017 elections. He has done a lot to undermine the government’s agenda while building up his political machine for his own ambitions.
The pinnacle of this defiance was the campaigns in Murang’a that left two people dead. It is unfortunate that the ambitions of one man can be allowed to destroy the unity and peace that the country has been building since after the 2007-08 post-election violence.
These acts of violence are in violation of the Constitution and therefore anyone can initiate impeachment of the Deputy President for gross misconduct. Alternatively, Ruto should resign for not only undermining his boss but also stretching the moral fabric of the nation that is just seeking peace and prosperity.
Kenya’s first Vice President Jaramogi Oginga Odinga openly disagreed with the way founding President Jomo Kenyatta was running the government and in an open letter handed in his resignation.
If the DP does not see eye to eye with the President, why is he still holding onto the position? Wouldn’t it be better to tender his resignation and start campaigns without worrying about positions?
I support fully the calls by ODM for the impeachment of the Deputy President. It is time he paved the way for those who are in support of the President and the future of this nation.
Ruto’s ambition of being President should not be the platform on which Kenya is sent to the brink. His quest to be president should not be the reason that makes Uhuru fail to deliver on the plan that he has for Kenya.
Mr Deputy President, your time in government is over if you cannot support the President’s transformation agenda.