
HUSSEIN: Northern counties have huge untapped economic potential

All that's needed is targeted investments, innovative solutions and a commitment to inclusive development.


Columnists19 December 2023 - 09:08

In Summary

  • The growth in the northern counties can be attributed to more prudent utilisation of resources
  • The northern counties should also take advantage of their enormous tourism opportunities.
Cattle on a farm in Wajir West.

In the vast expanse of Kenya's northern region lies a wealth of untapped potential, waiting to be awakened and harnessed for economic growth. As the nation strives for inclusive development, it is imperative to focus on awakening these sleeping giants and unlocking their vast economic possibilities.

The northern counties have long grappled with a myriad of challenges, including harsh climatic conditions, inadequate infrastructure and historical marginalisation. These obstacles have contributed to the region's economic slumber, hindering the full realisation of its potential.

The northern counties of Kenya can best be regarded as sleeping economic giants, based on analysis of data from the KNBS 2023 Gross County Product report for Kenyan counties.

Despite the dominant counties continuing to contribute more to the country’s GDP basket, a positive trend has emerged indicating several counties with a lower GDP contribution showing faster growth over the period.

The counties whose small economies grew faster than their counterparts with larger economies include Marsabit, Mandera, Isiolo, Tana River, Kajiado and Busia. Apart from Marsabit, which grew fastest at 10.3 per cent, the other four counties grew at an average rate of 6.9 per cent. However, on average, nearly all counties recorded growth rates in real GCP of at least 3.0 per cent during the review period.

KNBS relates the sharp spike in Marsabit’s growth rate in 2019 to the full commercial operationalisation of the 310MW-capacity Lake Turkana Wind Power project located in the county.

Scholars and experts from the region attribute the sudden growth to the ripple effect of more government-funded infrastructural development occasioned by the completion of Nairobi-Moyale road, the opening of Moyale one-border post and huge investments from the county government.

For instance, the completion of Nairobi-Moyale road created new value, increased production units and opened new horizons for the county and neighbouring counties. It is believed the road has reduced the travelling distance between Nairobi to Moyale to about 10 hours or even less.

Additionally, the project has led to the steady growth of the transport sector, with new entrants emerging, generating more revenues and income thus inducing positive changes in the living standards of residents. Moreover, it is worth noting that the project has increased the value and prices of the land near major towns along the road by a big margin.

Other major infrastructural developments implemented by the GoK in the region include the Isiolo International Airport, the upgrading of Wajir airport to the level of an international airport, the tarmacking of Garissa-Modogashe road towards Wajir, connection to the national power grid in Garissa, the 50MW Garissa solar power plant, the ongoing Isiolo-Mandera road project and development expenditure by the northern counties on various life-changing projects.

The growth in the northern counties can thus be attributed to more prudent utilisation of resources – both from own source revenues as well as the revenues received from the national government in the form of equitable share. Furthermore, a good collaborative working relationship between counties and the national government is the reason for this growth.

Livestock production is the predominant economic activity in the northern part of the country. The sector contributed 3.6 per cent to the overall GDP and 16 per cent to the Agricultural GDP (KNBS, 2023). Kenya Vision 2030 envisions the establishment of the Kenya Livestock Marketing Board aimed to promote livestock marketing nationally and internationally.

The sector's potential to boost producer incomes, create jobs and reduce poverty and food insecurity in the region is untapped. The establishment of abattoirs is one of the opportunities that could be explored to boost the productivity of the livestock sector.

The northern counties should also take advantage of their enormous tourism opportunities. The region is endowed with numerous tourist attraction sites such as Lake Turkana, located in the county known as the cradle of mankind, the Chalbi desert of Marsabit, the indigenous Hirola and white Giraffes in Garissa, Kora reserve of Tana River and the annual cultural festivals in Lamu county, among others. These opportunities, if fully harnessed, will create jobs and transform the lives of residents.

Continuous investment in infrastructure projects, industrialisation, encouraging private sector investments and ensuring the County Integrated Development Plans address the needs of the local population will enable the northern counties to achieve their potential.

The time is ripe to focus on the northern counties and unleash their economic potential. With targeted investments, innovative solutions and a commitment to inclusive development, these sleeping giants can awaken, contributing significantly to the overall economic prosperity of the nation.

The journey may be challenging, but the rewards are immense, promising a brighter future for the people of the northern region and the entire country.

Policy analyst

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