WANJOHI: Raising the bar in teacher development, training

The role of quality training for student-teachers cannot be overstated

In Summary

• TPDEX exemplifies this commitment through pioneering initiatives like the Competency-Based Teaching Practicum Assessment tool.

• This tool, a testament to Kenyatta University's forward-thinking approach, marks a departure from traditional assessment methods to dynamic, digital platforms.

In Kenya, the pursuit of quality education hinges crucially upon the calibre of its educators. At the forefront of this pursuit stands Kenyatta University's Centre for Teacher Professional Development and Excellence, a beacon of innovation in shaping the educators (student-teachers) of tomorrow.

In a landscape where educational standards are pivotal to national progress, the role of quality training for student-teachers cannot be overstated.

TPDEX exemplifies this commitment through pioneering initiatives like the Competency-Based Teaching Practicum Assessment tool. This tool, a testament to Kenyatta University's forward-thinking approach, marks a departure from traditional assessment methods to dynamic, digital platforms.

By providing real-time feedback and personalised learning experiences, it empowers student-teachers to address knowledge gaps effectively. Such advancements not only elevate the quality of education but also equip educators with the adaptability essential in today's classrooms.

Integral to student-teachers training success is the integration of Competency-Based Education into its curriculum. By immersing student-teachers in real-world educational settings early on, through programmes like Teaching Practicum I – Field Experiences, Kenyatta University ensures practical skill acquisition and nuanced understanding of classroom dynamics.

This hands-on approach nurtures educators capable of meeting diverse educational challenges with experiential learning, continuous development, confidence and innovation.

Moreover, this commitment to excellence in quality training extends beyond classroom innovations. The institution's proactive approach to soliciting student feedback through the Student Course Evaluation policy underscores its dedication to continuous improvement.

By incorporating student perspectives into curriculum development, Kenyatta University ensures its programmes remain relevant and effective, reflecting evolving educational trends and technological advancements.

In achieving these milestones, universities play a focal role in Kenya's educational landscape. They serve not only as crucibles for knowledge but also as incubators for pedagogical excellence. As such, they bear the responsibility of nurturing educators who are not merely competent but transformative leaders in their fields.

However, the pursuit of quality education does not rest solely upon universities. Government support is indispensable in providing critical infrastructure, resources and policy frameworks that uphold educational standards nationwide.

In Kenya, the government's role in fostering an enabling environment for quality teacher training cannot be overstated. By investing in educational institutions and promoting policies that prioritise teacher development, the government reinforces the foundation upon which educational excellence thrives.

Yet, amidst these advancements, the importance of quality control cannot be overlooked. Standardising and maintaining benchmarks for teacher training ensures that educational institutions deliver on their promises of excellence. Accreditation processes and regulatory frameworks are essential safeguards that uphold the integrity of educational standards, fostering trust and accountability within the sector.

In conclusion, the journey towards quality education in Kenya is an endeavour that demands collaboration, innovation and steadfast commitment. Kenyatta University's TPDEX exemplifies this ethos through its pioneering initiatives and unwavering dedication to excellence in teacher training.

By embracing technological innovations, integrating competency-based education and prioritising continuous improvement, TPDEX sets a benchmark for educational institutions across the nation.

As Kenya continues to chart its path towards educational excellence, the synergy between universities, government support and stringent quality control measures will be critical.

Together, these stakeholders can forge a future where every student-teacher receives the training they deserve – one that prepares them not only to educate but to inspire, innovate and lead the next generation towards a brighter tomorrow.

Acting Vice Chancellor, Kenyatta University

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