Stop this amusement park in Hell's Gate

Hell's Gate./FILE
Hell's Gate./FILE

Kenya Wildlife Service has authorised a new recreation facility inside Hell's Gate National Park ( see Page 31).

This looks like madness. Tourism is still Kenya's biggest foreign exchange earner. The foundation of the tourism industry is our parks. If we start giving them away to developers, it will eventually kill tourism.

There is confusion over whether this will be a zipliner, a teambuilding centre, or a full fledged resort and spa. But it does not really matter. Either way the KWS is allowing a private developer to start nibbling away at a national park. This is the thin end of the wedge that can lead to wholesale encroachment of our parks.

The Standard Gauge Railway is presently being constructed through Nairobi National Park. It is regrettable that work is proceeding against court orders but at least the SGR is arguably in the national interest.

There is no way that an amusement park inside Hells Gate can be considered in the national interest.

The Tourism and Environment CSs should step in and stop this development immediately.

Quote of the day: "It isn't where you came from, its where you're going that counts" — American Ella Fitzgerald singer was born on April 25, 1917.

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