Racist jokes betray what people think

In Summary

• The Romanian ambassador said "The Africa group has joined us" when a monkey came to the window

• The Kenyan government has protested and Romania has recalled its ambassador

The Kenya government and African ambassadors in Nairobi have formally protested about racist comments made by the Romanian ambassador on April 26. Romania has recalled its ambassador.

The Romanian ambassador was chairing a meeting at the UN in Gigiri when a monkey came to the window. According to the African diplomatic protest note, the ambassador then said, "The African group has joined us."

This may have been a joke but jokes are dangerous and do not excuse blatant racism. Different cultures make jokes about the 'other' that they fear. In the USA, there are jokes about how Poles are stupid and identical jokes are told in the UK about the Irish. This perpetuates negative stereotypes of Irish and Polish people.

Jokes about Africans, or African-Americans, betray the inner thoughts of the speaker who is effectively saying, 'I am racist and I believe/hope you are as well'.

The Romanian ambassador represents his country at a global centre of the United Nations. He should be fostering unity and global understanding, not propagating racism.

The Kenya government was right to protest and the Romania government right to recall its ambassador who should now be demoted or fired.

Quote of the day: "I want to be what I've always wanted to be: dominant."

Tiger Woods
became the youngest golfer to win the Masters on June 13, 1997

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