Police must unravel Finland education scam

Justice must indeed be the shield and defender of all Kenyans irrespective of their status.

In Summary

•The 'airlift' plan was a noble idea it was, as it would have exposed the young men and women to world class education

•Justice must indeed be the shield and defender of all Kenyans irrespective of their status

Kenyans will go to great lengths to improve their lives and education is so far seen ad the key to success.

Parents make great sacrifices to give their children the best education in order place them at a good starting point in life.

Indeed, education has lifted many out of poverty by offering them unlimited opportunities.

It is therefore saddening that parents and students in Uasin Gishu county who entrusted their leaders with millions of shillings in the belief that they would help them further their education in Finland and Canada are now a desolate lot.

The 'airlift' plan was a noble idea as it would have exposed the young men and women to world class education and expanded their worldview.

The dream has however unfortunately turned into a nightmare.

One of the students committed suicide because of the frustrations. Many more are suffering from depression.

The best that the 'airlift' architects can do is to refund each of the affected students their money.

The relevant investigative agencies should also quickly investigate and bring to book those culpable in the scam.

If it were an ordinary Kenyan who had stolen and sold the cow of any of our leaders, they would now be in jail.

Justice must indeed be the shield and defender of all Kenyans irrespective of their status.


Quote of the day: “In every conceivable manner, the family is link to our past, bridge to our future.”

Alex Haley

The American writer and author was born on August 11, 1921

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