Salaried Kenyans now an endangered species

In Summary
  • One salaried person in Kenya supports several people and the further erosion of their take-home pay definitely affects hundreds of dependents.
  • The tax net must be widened to rope in those in the informal sector, many of whom make way much higher monthly amounts than those in formal jobs.
Kenyans must get value for taxes they pay.
Kenyans must get value for taxes they pay.
Image: OZONE

The proverb 'no pain, no gain' has been with us for ages.

It promises rewards for hard and painful work and that's what the Kenya Kwanza administration is promising through its tax marathon. Taxes, if well utilised, have catapulted many countries into greatness.

Salaried people seem to be targeted in President Ruto's fundraising drive, with a plethora of taxes targeting them. We are slowly killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.

One salaried person in Kenya supports several people and the further erosion of their take-home pay definitely affects hundreds of dependents.

The tax net must be widened to rope in those in the informal sector, many of whom make way much higher monthly amounts than those in formal jobs.

If all were taxed and the revenue used to ease the burden of school fees, medical bills and other social support programmes, then that would be great.

Unfortunately, the Kenyan government has never been known to put taxpayer money to prudent, fair and equitable use.

The national cake, which is baked courtesy of everyone's taxes, ends up being used as a carrot and stick to reward loyalists and punish opposition zones.

Cases of corruption are the rule rather than the exception, with those tasked with taking care of public resources enriching themselves with our taxes.

We hope that Kenya Kwanza's tax pains will turn into gains.

Quote of the Day: "I had some very powerful minds working with me."

Lee Kuan Yew

The founding father of modern Singapore and 1st Prime Minister of Singapore was born on September 16, 1923

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