Leave no room for disaster during El Nino rains

County governments must stop the lackadaisical attitude of expecting all help from the national government.

In Summary
  • Communities must be empowered to be resilient in the face of El Niño-driven rains.
  • It is important for Kenya to take proactive measures to mitigate the impacts of these extreme events.
A flooded road in Mombasa in May.
AFTERMATH: A flooded road in Mombasa in May.
Image: FILE

The El Niño-driven rains will gain tempo this month. The risks we face include devastating floods, disease outbreaks and landslides.

It is important for Kenya to take proactive measures to mitigate the impacts of these extreme events.

Stagnant water provides breeding grounds for disease-carrying mosquitoes, and contaminated water sources can trigger cholera outbreaks.

County governments must stop the lackadaisical attitude of expecting all help from the national government.

They must invest in disease prevention by conducting extensive vector control campaigns, distributing insecticide-treated bed nets and ensuring access to clean drinking water. Public awareness campaigns on personal hygiene and safe water practices are equally crucial.

A robust drainage system is the first line of defence against flooding in urban areas. Many counties are doing fine on this front. But it’s not a one-off activity. They must also enforce zoning laws to prevent construction in flood-prone areas.

The risk of landslides in counties such as Murang’a and Elgeyo Marakwet increases with heavy rains. To mitigate this risk, the government must invest in comprehensive geological surveys and mapping to identify high-risk areas.

Early warning systems can alert communities to potential landslides, giving them time to evacuate safely. Furthermore, afforestation and reforestation efforts can help stabilise soil in vulnerable areas.

Communities must be empowered to be resilient in the face of El Niño-driven rains. This includes establishing community-based disaster preparedness committees, conducting regular drills, and disseminating information about evacuation routes and safe shelters.

Such preparedness is not an option but a necessity.

Quote of the Day: “Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment, full effort is full victory.”

Mahatma Gandhi

The Indian independence activist and spiritual leader was born on October 2, 1869

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