Police must tell us who is killing young activists

Short of uncovering and stopping the killer squads, they will also be seen as complicit.

In Summary
  • The Directorate of Criminal Investigations, the Kenya Police Service and other security agencies have the mandate to stop these killings.
  • Short of uncovering and stopping the killer squads, they will also be seen as complicit.
Bodies retrieved from a dumpsite in Kware, Nairobi county, on July 12, 2024
Bodies retrieved from a dumpsite in Kware, Nairobi county, on July 12, 2024

When the President came into office in 2022, he promised there would be no extrajudicial killings in Kenya, something he reiterated last month.

The President also welcomed young people engaging in political discourse of their country, peacefully.

However, human rights groups say extrajudicial killings have increased, especially since the protests began.

At least 39 people were killed in the brutal repression of the demonstrations. More disturbing deaths continue to be reported, even after the protests ended.

Young activists are still disappearing. Their bodies are then found in dams and thickets.

On Friday, nine bodies were retrieved from a dumpsite in Mukuru slum in Nairobi. The bodies were wrapped in sacks. Some were fresh while others were decomposed.

Witnesses and police said some had burns. They seemed to have been killed elsewhere and dumped at the site near Kware police station.

As President William Ruto recently said, any life that is lost is something that must bother all of us.

The country has competent institutions that must tell Kenyans who is killing these young people.

The Directorate of Criminal Investigations, the Kenya Police Service and other security agencies have the mandate to stop these killings.

Short of uncovering and stopping the killer squads, they will also be seen as complicit.

Quote of the Day: “It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who are willing to endure pain with patience.”

Julius Caesar

The Roman military and political leader was born on July 13, 100 BC

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