MPs should not rubber stamp Ruto CSs

The president wants a Cabinet that can help the government deliver and unite Kenyans.

In Summary

•The recent firing of the cabinet is also a result of a complacent Parliament.

• Poor scrutiny led to appointments that brought inefficiency rather than progress and development.

Parliament Buildings.
PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT: Parliament Buildings.
Image: FILE

Parliament will soon vet some of the candidates President William Ruto nominated for Cabinet secretary positions.

The President wants a Cabinet that can help the government deliver its manifesto and unite Kenyans.

MPs should help the President achieve this noble goal.

This demands not just a routine approval but a rigorous and thorough vetting process.

Until now, Parliament has acted as a mere rubber stamp for the Executive's decisions, often to the detriment of the nation's interests.

The recent firing of the Cabinet is also a result of a complacent Parliament. Poor scrutiny allowed candidates who brought inefficiency rather than progress and development.

This pattern of acquiescence must end.

The primary role of Parliament is to provide checks and balances to the Executive, ensuring that each appointee is thoroughly scrutinised for their qualifications and integrity.

The current nominations provide an opportunity for Parliament to reclaim its authority and demonstrate its commitment to the Kenyan people.

We urge MPs to rise above past complacencies. Kenyans deserve a Parliament that serves their interests, not the interests of the few.

Thorough scrutiny of the appointees will send a strong message: that our democracy is vibrant, and our institutions are robust.

It is also a warning to the nominees themselves that they must be accountable.

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