No road or place should be named after living person

In Summary

• A new Bill will make it illegal to name any road after a living person.

• A living person may prove to be an embarrassment in later life

Unknown individual setting fire on Francis Atwoli Road signpost.
STREET NAMING: Unknown individual setting fire on Francis Atwoli Road signpost.

A bill now in the Senate will make it illegal to name any road or public building after a living person.

The  Street Naming and Property Addressing System Bill will also arrange for every plot on a road to be numbered.

It is absolutely right for no public place to be named after a living person. A living person can go on to do terrible things. With a dead person, we know their entire CV so they cannot spring any surprises on us.

There is no  problem with calling the national airport Jomo Kenyatta International Airport because we know all about the first President of Kenya and can make a measured decision over the naming of JKIA.

But with a living person, we don't know what they will go on to do.  It may become a national embarrassment. Or in 20 years that person may be considered a nonentity and not worthy of having a road named after him or her.

So the senators should promptly pass this Bill when it comes for its first reading in the Senate. Let  only the great and good of  past Kenyan history have roads and places named after them.

Quote of the day: "Better remain silent, better not even think, if you are not prepared to act."

Annie Besant
The English theosophist died on September 20, 1933

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