The return of Donald Trump to the White House has sent panic in Africa. Right from day one, he has been categorical that America comes first.
His campaign rallying call was: “Make America Great Again, America First!” This he has moved to do with gusto - by cutting foreign aid and deporting illegal immigrants - among other tough measures.
The majority of African countries, Kenya among them, heavily depend on foreign aid for critical health and agricultural programmes.
The taps are slowly being turned off by Trump and it will not be surprising if other major donor countries take cue.
Calls by former President Uhuru Kenyatta that we must stop crying and take this as a wake-up call are important.
Uhuru’s position that we are not America’s taxpayers and they have no obligation to support us is the bitter truth.
Africa is rich in resources but greed, war, tribalism, bad leadership and corruption have impoverished the continent.
Of course, donor countries prefer that it remains this way so that they can continue robbing Africa.
Africa must break this yoke or its leaders will continue visiting foreign capitals with a begging bowl in hand.
“We are all so guilty at the way we
have allowed the world around us to
become more ugly and tasteless...”
Norman Mailer
The American writer and journalist was born on January
31, 1923