Retired people in civil service are hogging youths’ chances

They should stay home and can be contracted when the need arises

In Summary

• President in his New Year's address said the government was committed to addressing employment in 2020 through the Big Four agenda. 

• There are very many senior officials who were employed past retirement age. 

President Uhuru Kenyatta.
NEW YEAR'S ADDRESS: President Uhuru Kenyatta.
Image: FILE

It was gratifying that President Uhuru Kenyatta, in his New Year’s address, promised to address the issue of unemployment.

The President said the government was committed to addressing the challenge of employment in 2020 through the Big Four agenda. The first area the President should target is the civil service.

There are very many senior officials who were employed past retirement age. Let them go home and rest. Let these people be contracted to come and assist during a crisis then they can go back to retirement.

It is not fair to continue paying grandfathers in the civil service while the majority of youths resort to operating boda bodas. Employing them will reduce the numbers of idle minds with potential and allow them to take loans, buy properties and move ahead.



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