
Should access to internet be censored?

Censorship can limit illegal activities on the internet especially those aimed at violating children.


Star-blogs10 July 2023 - 09:44

In Summary

• Internet censorship can suppress the spread of fake news and propaganda which often incite social hatred and contribute to social stability and national security.

• Unfortunately, censorship also limits creativity and knowledge by restricting people’s ability to access information that facilitates progress in their lives.

Busho digital community centre constructed by America Towers Corporation in Samburu sub-county, Kwale county.

The internet is fast becoming ubiquitous in our day-to-day life, deemed by the United Nations as a human right to be able to access the internet and all the information on it free of any restriction. Anything done to restrict the access of information on the internet becomes a big topic of concern in the society. 

Internet censorship through legal means has been termed a big concern for its suppression of what can be accessed, published, or viewed on the internet which has a double edge sword effect.

But even then, censorship can limit illegal activity on the interwebs especially those aimed at violating children, the most vulnerable group of such threatening behaviour. 

In addition, internet censorship can suppress the spread of fake news and propaganda, which often incite social hatred and contributes to maintaining social stability and national security.

Unfortunately, censorship also limits creativity and knowledge by restricting people’s ability to access information that facilitates progress in their lives. Further, restricting access to useful information robs people of their sources of information and their right to grow.

Freedom of expression should be a basic human right. Internet censorship is ethically unacceptable, violates freedom of expression and human rights.

If anything, complete control over access to information via the internet is foolhardy since for instance, banned movies and TV shows are always leaked to the public and in some cases, spread rapidly.

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