
AWUOR & WAFULA: Stay fit, eat healthy for a peaceful old age

Old age is spent reaping what you sow. Youth, therefore, is the best time to start keeping our health on track.


Star-blogs17 May 2024 - 22:13

In Summary

  • Many young people believe that they are physically fit and that their immunity is strong therefore see no need at all to keep fit.
  • The food we eat is a critical aspect to avoid old age lifestyle diseases. We need to watch what we eat and hydrate often.

Old age is usually given the accolade of gold - an assumption of massive life experiences and a touch of self-actualisation. The odds are in favour of this assumption since all the above are attainable. However, is it normally the case when you are bedridden or confined to the walls of a hospital ward or life support?

It is common for humans to postpone activities. Something like gym class or a run, for instance, a little busy to find the time? Or a little crazy to make the first step? Working out is something many people disregard as a luxury for the more fortunate but is it?

Many young people believe that they are physically fit and that their immunity is strong therefore see no need at all to keep fit. To some extent this may be true, but at what cost? Time is a snail on a long scale and therefore deductible that nobody stays forever young as much as we may want to.

Age catches up with you as the time runs out, by then you are busy with life chasing after so many dreams. It is here that one starts to feel fatigued and become overweight among other fitness-related health challenges. Being too late and preoccupied to start working out, one spends more on medication to keep on their toes

Today's generation is subject to many health hazards from biochemicals that cause diseases like cancer to pollutants in the atmosphere. These ensure that when you are old enough to root for stability and establishment you also incur regular visits to the local chemist or health facilities.

Nutrition is also disregarded as most foods are considered sumptuous and tastier when more snacky and oily. Teenagers find it easy to frequent liquor stores and house parties where they overdrink.

From restaurants to local eateries, the ease of accessibility of foods is something that would be quite a wonder to our ancestors. You just make an order and in no time your soda and pizza are delivered to your doorstep.

A convenience today, that promotes poor eating habits which consequentially harm physical well-being tomorrow. The problem however is that in time and resource-constraint environments, we can start to question the essence of working out. The solution to misfit elderliness is thus the appreciation of the time the young enjoy and squander wasting themselves.

Youthful years are the most productive years. Old age is spent reaping what you sow. Youth, therefore, is the best time to start keeping our health on track.

We have been bestowed time, which is something priceless. For what is the essence of earning a living if you can't live? The food we eat is a critical aspect to avoid old age lifestyle diseases. We need to watch what we eat and hydrate often.

Health check ensures that we build a formidable society in the years to come and a vibrant generation with the might to bring the change we all aspire for.

Communication students, Rongo University

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