OPRAH NYABOKE: It is time to harness Gen Z power in governance

Diversity and inclusivity are central values for Gen Z.

In Summary
  • This generation, known for its adeptness in social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat, navigates the world with a digital-first mindset.
  • Their reliance on technology extends beyond social interactions to encompass the approach to employment, education and civic engagement.
gen z protests pictorial
gen z protests pictorial

The recent happenings in Kenya have sent a signal about the worth and power of the young generation in terms of the demand for credibility and accountability in governance.

It has also laid bare the impact of digital technology which Governments can leverage to grow the economy and unite the people.

Born between 1997 and 2012, Generation Z represents a demographic profoundly shaped by digital technology and global connectivity.

This generation, known for its adeptness in social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat, navigates the world with a digital-first mindset.

Their reliance on technology extends beyond social interactions to encompass the approach to employment, education and civic engagement.

Gen Z's digital fluency presents governments with a unique opportunity to enhance communication strategies and engage citizens more effectively.

By leveraging social media channels, governments can amplify the reach and impact of their initiatives, fostering greater transparency, public participation and trust.

Beyond their digital prowess, Gen Z is characterized by a strong sense of social responsibility and a desire for meaningful work.

Cutting their path parallel to that of the older generations, Gen Z prioritizes careers that align with their values and allow them to make a positive impact on society.

This idealism and emphasis on authenticity make them valuable assets for government roles where transparency in public service is paramount.

By tapping into Gen Z's enthusiasm for social change and innovation, the government can infuse fresh perspectives into policy-making processes and drive initiatives that address contemporary challenges.

Diversity and inclusivity are central values for Gen Z, making them advocates for equitable representation and policies that cater to diverse societal needs.

The Government of  Kenya can harness this commitment to inclusivity by integrating Gen Z into decision-making processes, ensuring that policies and programs are reflective of and responsive to the population's diversity.

By fostering diverse representation within government agencies, administrations not only enhance legitimacy but also gain insights crucial for navigating complex social issues and fostering greater societal cohesion.

Collaboration and innovation are hallmarks of Gen Z's approach to problem-solving.

They value teamwork and collective input, recognizing the power of collaboration in generating innovative solutions.

This collaborative spirit, coupled with their technological proficiency, positions Gen Zs as catalysts for modernizing government operations and enhancing service delivery.

The Government can, therefore, harness their digital skills to streamline bureaucratic processes, improve cybersecurity measures, and leverage data analytics for more informed decision-making aspects.  

By embracing a culture of innovation and digital transformation, the Governments can enhance its responsiveness to citizen needs and deliver more efficient public services.

The resilience and adaptability demonstrated by Gen Z are further strengths governments can capitalize on.

Having grown up amidst rapid technological advancements and global challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic, Gen Z has proven adept at navigating uncertainty and embracing change.

Their ability to thrive in dynamic environments equips them with the skills necessary for leadership roles within government.

By investing in their professional development and providing mentorship opportunities, governments can empower Gen Z to lead effectively and sustainably, driving positive change and resilience in public service.

It is thus good, to note that integrating Gen Zs into government roles isn't merely beneficial but also imperative for the government to look into meeting the evolving demands of the 21st century.

By embracing their digital acumen, commitment to social justice, and collaborative spirit, the Kenya Kwanza Administration can unlock the full potential of Gen Z as drivers of innovation, equity and economic growth as anchored in the aspirations of the Kenya Vision 2030 and Africa’s Vision 2063.

Welcoming Gen Z into governance positions represents an investment in a future that prioritizes transparency, inclusivity, and technological advancement.

I appeal to governments worldwide to recognize and harness the power of Gen Z to build a more resilient, inclusive, and prosperous society for all now and for posterity.

Oprah Nyaboke is an Intern at the Office of Government Spokesperson (Kenya)

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