WEKATI: Stop worshipping politicians, they’re the enemy

It is utterly ludicrous that we sing praises for the very adversaries that are responsible for our problems.

In Summary
  • The idea that everything should come to a standstill when a thieving “mheshimiwa” is in town must stop.
  • We should stop attending rallies in droves only to listen to voluble empty rhetoric.

Politicians are not God or gods. Most of them do not solve any problems. Many of them are self-seeking and unbelievably greedy. The only reason why they seem omnipotent is because we worship the ground they walk on. Stop worshipping politicians.

It is utterly ludicrous that we sing praises for the very adversaries that are responsible for our problems. If they are so valuable, how come Kenya is still a developing country bedevilled with innumerable problems over six decades after attaining independence?

Normally, highly trained professionals and owners of big businesses are the richest individuals in a given country. In Kenya, politicians are not only ultra-rich but also powerful. They are so influential that they control every aspect of life. Sadly, adept business owners have to lick their boots to be in their good books. Intellectuals are forced to revere politicians who add little to no value to citizens’ lives.

The idea that everything should come to a standstill when a thieving “mheshimiwa” is in town must stop. We should stop attending rallies in droves only to listen to voluble empty rhetoric.

This is testament to the state of unemployment, idleness and laziness that compounds the hopelessness. Many people attend such useless gatherings hoping to get some handout that may be part of the loot that the “mhesh” has stashed.

There is nothing honourable about the so-called “waheshimiwa”. They are the biggest beneficiaries of tribal divisions, corruption, poverty and ignorance. It is time we stopped worshipping them. Also, most of them lack common courtesy and their conduct is devoid of leadership qualities.

How do you trust someone who says they are going to build schools for your children when their own children study and live abroad?

Why do we lynch a poor thief in the local market but glorify those who oversee the biggest heist of public funds?

We cannot allow a small clique of people to determine every single part of our lives. While abiding by the rule of law, we must say resoundingly and unanimously that enough is enough.

We should no longer take orders or listen to advice from the very people who abandon us when we need them most.

They divide us along ethnic lines for their own selfish reasons. They lie to us. They lack apathy. They are not ours or part of us. We are poor. They are rich.

It is time we stop worshipping the oppressors.

This is what we should do: Shun their useless public rallies, unfollow and block them on social media, deny them platforms during funerals and church services so that they don’t desecrate the churches and other religious places with their deceitful tongues and questionable bribes, take their handouts if you must but pay them no mind, boycott their businesses, educate those who are in the dark about who the real enemy is and, most importantly, vote out selfish politicos.

Do not give them an ear. Their words are rich with hope but their promises are empty.

I agree with Senator Momoima Onyonka who rightly opined that the political class has completely failed us – the people. Politics in Kenya is akin to a criminal enterprise.

Stop worshipping the enemy.

Teacher, speaker and writer who creates digital literature content 

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