In Summary

• Accidents involving motorcycle operators on the rise.

• Many youths do not have driving licences.

Two people killed in road accident in Naivasha
Two people killed in road accident in Naivasha

A boda boda operator and his passenger died on the spot in Naivasha when their motorbike crashed into the rear of a lorry.

The accident happened on Monday midday near the Kinungi centre on the Nairobi-Nakuru highway. The victims were adult men.

The deaths brought to 10 the number of operators who have died in road accidents in Naivasha in just about two and a half months, since the year began.

It underscored the nationwide problem of unqualified operators and violating traffic regulations.

President Uhuru Kenyatta ordered a crackdown on all boda bodas and required they be registered afresh, obtain driving licences and insurance.

The crackdown has since been waived. 

The order followed the mob sexual attack on a woman motorist in Nairobi. 

The victims were not immediately identified.

They were heading to Naivasha town from Flyover.

Witness John Wambugu said the boda boda was moving at high speed when it rammed into the rear of the lorry going downhill.

On impact, the two men crashed on the road, while the lorry was slightly damaged.

He deplored the high number of untrained teenagers and young men involved in the boda boda business.

Naivasha police boss Samuel Waweru said the bodies were taken to the local mortuary and an inquest file opened.

Waweru said police are planning to engage operators in a road safety campaign to reduce the number of accidents in town and along the highway.

“We have lost two youths through a road accident and we have come to learn that speeding is the main cause of motorcycle accidents in Naivasha,” he said.

The senior officer called on the operators to exercise caution.


(Edited by V. Graham) 

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