In Summary

• Allegations of foul play but police said they were awaiting postmortem results to determine if it was murder or suicide.

• The body of the 18-year-old had injuries on several part of the body.

Body of teenager found on Mai-Mahiu-Narok roadside.
ANOTHER BODY: Body of teenager found on Mai-Mahiu-Narok roadside.
Image: STAR

Police in Naivasha are investigating the death of a teenager whose body was found off the Mai Maiu-Narok road.

The body of the 18-year-old had injuries on several part of the body.

He went missing from home on Sunday and was found on Monday near Kigecha Trading Centre.

There were allegations of foul play but the cause of death was not immediately established.

DCI officers were questioning relatives and friends.

In the last couple of months, a number of bodies of unidentified victims have been found dumped along the road. Most were strangled to death.

Naivasha police boss Samuel Waweru said the minor had been living with his relatives.

“The body had some injuries to the legs and we are not sure if he committed suicide or was murdered. We are awaiting a postmortem report," he said.

Elsewhere, a motorcycle operator and his passenger were crushed to death by a car along the Nairobi-Nakuru highway on Sunday night. They were heading to Naivasha town.  

Two occupants of the personal car involved in the accident suffered minor injuries in the 10pm accident near Fly-Over trading Centre.

The deaths brought to nine the number of boda boda operators and passengers who have died along that section of the highway since January. Careless overtaking has been blamed for most accidents.

In the latest incident, the duo was heading downhill when they collided head-on with an oncoming car. They died on the spot.

Witness John Ngugi said the operator was driving on the climbing lane on the road when he hit the car.

“The accident occurred very fast and the rider of the motorcycle is to blame after driving on the climbing lane yet he was going downhill leading to the accident,” he said.

Nyandarua North police boss Francis Mwangi said the bodies had been taken to Naivasha Subcounty Hospital mortuary.

He said an inquest file had been opened.

(Edited by V. Graham)

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